
Rosemary Shortbread Cookies 

We rec­om­mend giv­ing kids cook­books for the hol­i­days. Yumm. For kids who are inspired by rel­a­tives who cook, TV cook­ing shows, or their innate wish to make (and eat) good food, a cook­book will trav­el with them through­out life. (And it’s a sneaky way to encour­age read­ing and math!)

vinegar pie marcus nilsson

Vinegar Pie 

In hon­or of our Book­storm, Pre­sent­ing Buf­fa­lo Bill: the Man Who Invent­ed the Wild West, we dis­cov­ered that on the wag­on trail, when fresh apples weren’t avail­able, apple cider vine­gar made a tasty pie.

Slow Cooker Beef Stew

Slow Cooker Beef Stew 

Inspired by our Book­storm fea­ture this month, Let Your Voice Be Heard: The Life and Times of Pete Seeger, there was a pot of stew bub­bling in many a hobo camp dur­ing the Great Depres­sion and many a hoo­te­nan­ny in the ’50s and 60s’. This quick-to-assem­ble ver­sion can stay in your slow cook­er until you’re ready to eat.

chocolate raspberry cake

Decadent Chocolate Raspberry Cake 

Inspired by our Book­storm fea­ture this month, No Mon­keys, No Choco­late, bake this rich choco­late cake, and indulge in every sweet choco­late-rasp­ber­ry bite.

Louis Armstrong’s Red Beans and Rice 

A Cajun-inspired favorite recipe from jazz musi­cian Louis Arm­strong, this is a per­fect accom­pa­ni­ment to your read­ing of Jazz Day by Rox­ane Orgill.

Lighthouse Beef Stew 

Author Aimee Bis­sonette writes, “To accom­pa­ny your read­ing of Miss Col­fax’s Light­house, here’s the type of recipe Har­ri­et would have cooked in win­ter months. It gets incred­i­bly cold on Lake Michi­gan in the win­ter and Har­ri­et was always so busy! She would have need­ed some­thing that was pret­ty easy to make (no time to fuss)

Twisted Tots Hotdish 

We would­n’t be sur­prised if Trav­is’s grand­moth­er had a frozen ver­sion of this hot­dish stored next to the state fair but­ter­head. This recipe is a sta­ple across the Midwest.

Taylor Pork Roll Sandwich

Pork Roll Sandwich 

One of New Jer­sey’s most famous foods, the Pork Roll sand­wich is made from John Tay­lor’s Pork Roll, first made in 1856. We’ve cho­sen it as our fea­tured recipe this month, hon­or­ing William Car­los Williams, who lived in Ruther­ford, New Jersey.

sunflower seeds and apples

Sunflower Cat Treats 

Patch­es in Lit­tle Cat’s Luck (Mar­i­on Dane Bauer and Jen­nifer A. Bell) would find these healthy treats a rea­son to purr.

Kung Pao Chicken and Broccoli

Kung Pao Chicken with Broccoli 

In hon­or of Jing’s deli­cious cook­ing in Chas­ing Secrets, here’s a recipe for one of every­body’s favorite dishes.

Amaretti Cookies

Princess Posey’s Crazy Lazy Vacation Cookies 

If you like crispy, crunchy cook­ies and the taste of almonds, you’ll love these! Princess Posey’s author Stephanie Greene shares one of her favorite recipes.



Kim-chee, a tra­di­tion­al fer­ment­ed side dish made of veg­eta­bles, is the nation­al dish of Korea. 

banana pudding

Best Ever Banana Pudding 

A South­ern-style banana pud­ding that’s a fit­ting treat while you’re read­ing Ani­ta Sil­vey’s Untamed: the Wild Life of Jane Goodall

Flowerpot Cakes 

At a spring con­fer­ence we orga­nized back in 2004, Karen Ritz, author, illus­tra­tor, and bak­er extra­or­di­naire, made one of these for each of our guests. They were a hit! We think they’d work well with a con­struc­­tion-themed par­ty or sto­ry­time, too.

orange slices

Orange Omelet 

Gen­nifer Chold­enko’s Chas­ing Secrets takes place in the late 1800s — this recipe is one that might have been served at a lun­cheon. From the Boston Cook­ing School Cook­book: Orange Omelet Ingre­di­ents: 3 eggs Few grains salt 1 tea­spoon lemon juice 2 1⁄2 table­spoons orange juice 1⁄2 table­spoon but­ter (for pan) 2 oranges 2 table­spoons pow­dered sug­ar Sep­a­rate yolks from whites. Beat yolks until thick and

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