This is the Planet Where I Live

Debra Frasier
Illustrating a book written by K.L. Going, This is the Planet Where I Live, Debra Frasier works with collage that exuberantly celebrates our connections to everything on this earth.

Debra Frasier: A Series of Mistakes

Fif­teen years ago my ten year old daugh­ter came home with a story. Mom, “ she said, “today I fig­ured out that “mis­cel­la­neous” is NOT a person.” I burst out laugh­ing. “So who did you think it was?” I asked. I thought she was that woman on the green spaghet­ti box…” I saved her gift-of-a-mis­take in my lit­tle jour­nal and end­ed up unwrap­ping it in a lone­ly hotel room in south­ern Wis­con­sin after a par­tic­u­lar­ly mis­er­able book sign­ing of three peo­ple.… more