Books Starring Dachshunds

Dozens of Dachsunds

Dozens of Dachsunds

Stephanie Cal­men­son
illus­trat­ed by Zoe Per­si­co
Blooms­bury, 2021

A parade of dachsunds! There are sev­en­ty-eight dachsunds in all, dressed in cos­tumes as oth­er ani­mals, insects, birds, and dinosaurs! They wag­gle by in groups of two, three, four … all to aid young read­ers in count­ing. Maybe best of all is the song includ­ed so you can sing along! Preschool through Grade 2.

The Hallo Wiener

The Hal­lo-Wiener

Dav Pilkey
Scholas­tic, 1999

Oscar, the dachs­hund, wants to wear a scary cos­tume for Hal­loween but his moth­er has oth­er ideas. She sews him a hot-dog bun with mus­tard and he must wear it so he doesn’t hurt her feel­ings. It’s hard to nav­i­gate and his friends get to the treats before he does, but when the pack is threat­ened by some mon­ster cats, it’s Oscar to the res­cue! Preschool through Grade 2.

Hot Dog Cold Dog

Hot Dog, Cold Dog (board book)

Frann Pre­ston-Gan­non
POW! 2014

Dachsunds go every­where, in every style of fash­ion, in every weath­er, engag­ing in every activ­i­ty. Fun­ny, col­or­ful, and endear­ing to engage baby. A large-for­mat board book for a good read-aloud. Young babies.

Lumpito and the Painter from Spain

Lumpi­to and the Painter from Spain

Mon­i­ca Kulling, illus­trat­ed by Dean Grif­fiths
Paja­ma Press, 2013

Do you know the true sto­ry of Pablo Picas­so’s enchant­ment with a dachs­hund named Lump, who was the pet of pho­tog­ra­ph­er David Dun­can? When pho­tog­ra­ph­er and dog vis­it­ed Picas­so, it was the begin­ning of a beau­ti­ful rela­tion­ship. When Dun­can real­izes how much the artist and the dog care for each oth­er, he leaves Lump in his new home. A charm­ing sto­ry about friend­ship and art. Kinder­garten through Grade 5.

Moxie the Dachsund of Fallingwater

Mox­ie, the Dachs­hund of Fallingwater

Cara Arm­strong
Bright Sky Press, 2010

An intro­duc­to­ry look at the archi­tec­ture of Frank Lloyd Wright, and what is now a pub­lic muse­um at Falling­wa­ter in south­west Pennsylvania’s Lau­rel High­lands, from the view­point of Mox­ie, one of the dachs­hund gang that gam­boled about the house when the Kauf­mann fam­i­ly lived there. Writ­ten by the cura­tor of edu­ca­tion at Falling­wa­ter. Kinder­garten through Grade 3.



by Munro Leaf, illus­trat­ed by Lud­wig Bemel­mans
Arthur A. Levine Books, 2006 (orig­i­nal­ly pub­lished in 1937)

Noo­dle, the dachs­hund, feels he’s too long and his legs are too short to suc­cess­ful­ly dig for bones. Grant­ed one wish by the dog fairy, he asks all the ani­mals in the zoo what shape he should wish to be. They teach him a good deal about being proud and con­tent with the body we have. Preschool.



by Mar­gret Ray, illus­trat­ed by H.A. Rey
Houghton Mif­flin Har­court, 1997

Gre­ta, a petite dachs­hund, doesn’t care for long-in-body dachs­hunds, which is exact­ly what Pret­zel wins a blue rib­bon for being. This is a tale of pup­py love. A clas­sic from the team who cre­at­ed Curi­ous George. PreK through Grade 2.

10 Little Hot Dogs

10 Lit­tle Hot Dogs

John Him­mel­man
Two Lions, 2014

A pro­gres­sive count­ing book, one then two and final­ly ten dachs­hunds join their friends in a com­fy chair, set­tle down for a nap, then wake up and leave the chair. They’re full of antics and play. A good read-aloud for a small group or one child. Preschool to K.

Wiener Wolf

Wiener Wolf

Jeff Cros­by
Dis­ney-Hype­r­i­on, 2011

A good choice for ear­ly read­ers, the min­i­mal text and emo­tion­al art­work will be sat­is­fy­ing to read. Wiener dog sees a nature doc­u­men­tary and real­izes he’s bored with his pam­pered life, so he runs off to join a pack of wolves! Wein­er Wolf soon real­izes the dif­fer­ence between wild and domes­ti­cat­ed, return­ing home to Granny and his new pack in the dog park. PreK through Grade 2.

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Cynthia Cotten
9 years ago

Great selec­tions. I would also include the delight­ful Lumpi­to and the Painter from Spain, by Mon­i­ca Kulling (illus­trat­ed by Dean Grif­fiths; Paja­ma Press, Inc. 2013) The book’s descrip­tion: “Lumpi­to and the Painter from Spain is inspired by the true sto­ry of Picas­so’s love affair with a dachs­hund named Lump who came for a vis­it, refused to leave and became immor­tal­ized in a num­ber of the artist’s paint­ings and drawings.”

Monica Kulling
Reply to  Cynthia Cotten
9 years ago

Thank you so much, Cyn­thia! It was a plea­sure to write about this dar­ling lit­tle doggie.

9 years ago

That’s an excel­lent sug­ges­tion, Cyn­thia. I know some­body who can add that book to the list … right now! Thanks for con­tribut­ing to the knowl­edge base! đź™‚

Norma Gaffron
Norma Gaffron
9 years ago

Good Morn­ing, Vicki,
Just the men­tion of dachs­hunds got me read­ing your won­der­ful list. Willie, our dachsie, was in love with the neigh­bor’s Ger­man Shep­herd. There must be a pic­ture book there somewhere…