Skinny Dip with Steve Palmquist

Chinese foodFavorite holiday tradition?

Well, that usually involves food—we try to have Chinese food on Christmas Eve. Our family has had a lot of changes lately, so we’ve been trying to create new traditions.

Were you a teacher’s pet or teacher’s challenge?

Annunciation SchoolBoth! At times I was a model student and other times I was the class clown. I’m sure the clowning was a bit disruptive but I only got sent to the principal’s office once. This was at a parochial grade school. The principal was a nun who was about 6′3″. She was a gentle disciplinarian but it did sort of seem like her height gave her a direct line to God and all the gravitas that goes with that.

What’s the first book report you ever wrote?

I don’t remember the very first but the one that sticks in my mind was a report for a book about living in space. I did a horrible job with it and was allowed to redo the report. I knocked it out of the park with the second attempt—that taught me the value of revision.

Do you like to gift wrap presents?

I like the idea of wrapping presents but my execution leaves a little to be desired. Gift bags and a supply of colored tissue paper have saved my bacon on more than one occasion.

What do you wish you could tell your 10-year-old self?

You are going to be loved and cherished by someone who will inspire you to be the best person you can be.

Look beyond the hurt that some peo­ple seem to always give — that always gives a clue about where they’re tru­ly vul­ner­a­ble or hurt­ing themselves.

Keep your mind free and open — it will be your best tool and lead you into many adventures.

What three children’s book authors or illustrators or editors would you like to invite to dinner?

Oh, gosh, that’s a hard one. If I go historical, how about Mark Twain, Margaret Wise Brown, and Don Freeman?Mark Twain, Margaret Wise Brown, and Don Freeman

Where’s your favorite place to read?

I don’t have that overstuffed chair from my parents any longer. My favorite place to read now is anywhere near my wife, Vicki, so whenever one of us gasps or laughs at a book, we get to share with the other one.

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Debra Frasier
Debra Frasier
8 years ago

I like imag­in­ing the GASP and read out loud moments!

Steven Palmquist
Reply to  Debra Frasier
8 years ago

It took me a while to get used to read­ing in a com­mu­nal man­ner. It’s def­i­nite­ly more enjoy­able to share the good moments of a book in an atmos­phere of reading.

Sandy Palmquist
Sandy Palmquist
8 years ago

Mod­el stu­dent and class clown — the best combination!

Steven Palmquist
Reply to  Sandy Palmquist
8 years ago

Maybe a bit schiz­o­phrenic but it was great to be able to explore who I was: the go-along, atten­tive stu­dent or the com­ic dis­rup­tor? Still a bit of both, I guess.

Fran Bohn
Fran Bohn
8 years ago

The clown­ing part is real­ly you! As far as your IT skills, you are my “go to” per­son to solve my issues.

Steven Palmquist
Reply to  Fran Bohn
8 years ago

…and you’re my favorite go-to aunt!

Catherine Urdahl
Catherine Urdahl
8 years ago

I love that your favorite place to read is any­where near Vicki!

Steven Palmquist
Reply to  Catherine Urdahl
8 years ago

It’s my favorite place but also the most chal­leng­ing. I think Vic­ki reads about 4x faster than I do. It can be a strug­gle to keep up at times!

David LaRochelle
8 years ago

What won­der­ful advice to give your 10-year-old self. And I am very hap­py that you and Vic­ki found each oth­er. I want to know what it was you did that got you sent to the prin­ci­pal’s office!

Steven Palmquist
Reply to  David LaRochelle
8 years ago

I’m afraid that par­tic­u­lar school infrac­tion is lost to the misty annals of time. I imag­ine it was some­thing like not want­i­ng to let go of an audi­ence once I had a group’s atten­tion while doing some­thing fun­ny. I remem­ber that being quite intoxicating…in the mid­dle of ham­ming it up, my sens­es would be height­ened and I’d sort of be watch­ing with an impar­tial part of my brain, not­ing how humor cut across cliques and oth­er dif­fer­ences and how easy it is to lose the train of a comedic riff – or how I could build in a guid­ed, dynam­ic way. Or…I might have been sent to the prin­ci­pal… Read more »

8 years ago

So good to ‘hear’ your voice.