Skinny Dip

Skinny Dip with Sharon Chmielarz 

What keeps you up at night? Noth­ing keeps me up at night (knock on wood). I have a cou­ple of glass­es of red wine, then show­er (usu­al­ly), hit the mat­tress, do some leg exer­cis­es, and I’m a goner until the next morn­ing. If I slip from that rou­tine and drink some­thing with caf­feine too close

Skinny Dipping

Skinny Dip with Elizabeth Verdick 

What keeps you up at night? Read­ing much, much too late! What is your proud­est career moment? In 2005 I won the Hen­ry Bergh Award, which hon­ors books that rec­og­nize the need to treat ani­mals with kind­ness and car­ing (for my book Tails Are Not for Pulling). I got to stand on a stage in

Skinny Dipping

Skinny Dip with Margo Sorenson 

What is your proud­est career moment? My proud­est career moment was doing my first author vis­it at Hale Kula Ele­men­tary School, Wahi­awa, HI, the Schofield Bar­racks ele­men­tary, where I spoke to 200 kinder­garten­ers and their par­ents, many of whom were in cam­mies, about Alo­ha for Car­ol Ann. Tears came to my eyes as I watched

Skinny Dipping

Skinny Dip with Joanne Anderson Reisberg 

What is your proud­est career moment? I entered a Writer’s Digest Con­test and received an Achieve­ment Cer­tifi­cate for hav­ing placed 37th out of 100 in ‘pic­ture books.” I felt thrilled to be includ­ed, and then I read the con­test had received 11,000 entries in 5 dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories. Woo Hoo.  Describe your favorite pair of pajamas

Skinny Dipping

Skinny Dip with Lisa Bullard 

What keeps you up at night? I don’t need any­thing to keep me up at night — I am almost always up at night no mat­ter what! When I have morn­ing oblig­a­tions, I force myself to go to bed at a rea­son­able time. But when I have a few days in a row where I don’t have

Skinny Dipping

Skinny Dip with Melissa Stewart 

What keeps you up at night?  Noth­ing. I fall asleep the instant my head touch­es the pil­low, and I’m prob­a­bly the world’s sound­est sleep­er. Describe your all-time favorite pair of paja­mas. When I was in col­lege, I spent a term at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bath in Bath, Eng­land, and rent­ed a room at a house

Skinny Dipping

Skinny Dip with David LaRochelle 

Favorite hol­i­day tra­di­tion?  With­out a doubt my favorite hol­i­day tra­di­tion is carv­ing pump­kins. It has become such a trade­mark of mine that peo­ple start ask­ing in Sep­tem­ber what I plan to carve for the upcom­ing Hal­loween. I’ve learned to jot down pos­si­ble pump­kin ideas in my sketch­book through­out the year, but it usu­al­ly comes down

Skinny Dipping

Skinny Dip with Toni Buzzeo 

What’s your favorite hol­i­day tra­di­tion? Although only my father is Ital­ian, I grew up with a strong con­nec­tion to my Ital­ian her­itage. And real­ly, when does one’s her­itage shine more bright­ly than the hol­i­days? So, every Christ­mas Eve finds me with my fam­i­ly in our Maine farm­house kitchen mak­ing home­made ravi­o­li. My hus­band Ken rolls

Chasing Freedom

Skinny Dip with Nikki Grimes 

What keeps you up at night? My brain! I can’t shut it off. I’m con­stant­ly bom­bard­ed with thoughts about what’s on my to-do list (I live or die by the list), what arrange­ments I need to make for the next con­fer­ence, book fes­ti­val, or school vis­it; what work I need to do to ele­vate the

Skinny Dipping

Skinny Dip with Gennifer Choldenko 

What keeps you up at night? Gen­er­al­ly I wake up wor­ry­ing about my kids or my career. The mid­­dle-of-the-night sce­nar­ios are dire: acci­dents, Alzheimer’s, awful reviews, abject humil­i­a­tion in one form or anoth­er. Unfor­tu­nate­ly I’m a world-class wor­ri­er, so there I am lying in a pool of sweat whipped into a fret­ting fren­zy when suddenly

Skinny Dipping

Skinny Dip with Kate DiCamillo 

Do you remem­ber any book reports you wrote or gave while in ele­men­tary school? No one has ever asked me this ques­tion before! Here is the truth: I don’t remem­ber doing one, sin­gle book report. Have I blocked the mem­o­ries out? Or did I real­ly not do any? I’m think­ing it’s the lat­ter. Tru­ly. Describe

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