Walter de la Mare Three Royal Monkeys
Peacock Pie The Lord Fish

Walter de la Mare, born April 25, 1873 (pen name Walter Ramal) was born at Charlton, Kent, in the south of England. His mother, Lucy Sophia, was related to the poet Robert Browning. His career as a writer began around 1895 and he published to the end of his life. De la Mare wrote for both adults and children.

His best-known book was written in 1921. Memoirs of a Midget won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize. The story is set in the world of the small Miss Thomasina. De la Mare published many books of poetry. The settings were often the English seacoasts and the world of nature. His themes centered around childhood, dreams, and everyday events; often with a touch of mystery. His children’s verse and stories include: Peacock Pie: a Book of Rhymes, Broomsticks and Other Tales, Three Mulla Mulgars (later re-titled The Three Royal Monkeys).

Walter de la Mare died at Twickenham, near London, on June 22, 1958. He is buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral.

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