Fresh Lookology

How I Learned Geography

The Soaring Imagination of Uri Shulevitz 

In two of his pic­ture books Uri Shule­vitz intro­duces a child alone in a room, iso­lat­ed, sim­i­lar to our quar­an­tined chil­dren today who are stuck at home, cut off from friends. But where is the iPad, tele­vi­sion or com­put­er screen? Look close­ly — there are none in the pictures.

The Mozart Season

The Mozart Season 

Fresh Lookol­o­gy fea­tures books pub­lished sev­er­al years ago that are too good to lan­guish on the shelf. At the end of soft­ball sea­son and the begin­ning of sum­mer, 12-year-old Alle­gra Leah Shapiro learns that she has been select­ed as a final­ist in the Ernest Bloch Young Musi­cians’ Com­pe­ti­tion. She is the youngest final­ist, some­thing she wor­ries about

Beethoven in Paradise

Beethoven in Paradise 

Fresh Lookol­o­gy fea­tures books pub­lished sev­er­al years ago that are too good to lan­guish on the shelf. Mar­tin Pittman takes a reader’s heart and runs with it. He lives in a trail­er park called Par­adise, but his home life is any­thing but. Martin’s father is abu­sive, his moth­er com­plete­ly cowed. He has no sib­lings. His grand­ma, Haze­line, who

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