Reading Ahead

Our Beautiful Homelands
There are those among us who are doing vitally important work. Merna Ann Hecht is a bright light among those wonder-workers.

We Miss You, George Floyd
Our democracy asks that every citizen has the right to life. This picture-book tribute to George Floyd is eloquent and powerful in its simplicity. The words flow like a song.

Adela doesn’t know who her father is. Now her stepfather would like to adopt her but state law requires the birth father to give up parental rights. With some research, Adela finds her father and a family she knew nothing about.

My Incredible India
I am utterly mesmerized by this book! The author and illustrator express their love for the wonders of this vast and many-faceted country, which shines from each double-page spread, irresistibly inviting the reader to discover more for the sheer joy of learning.

The Labors of Hercules Beal
There’s a right time for the right book. The time for this book is now. Reading it, you cannot help feeling hopeful.

Trev is a talented artist. He’s kind, thoughtful … and he doesn’t want to learn how to fight. But … he needs to protect his family.

Thank You, Moon
Night is my favorite time of day, so I was entranced by this book about the many ways in which moonlight affects animal behavior … including humans.

Ralph Fasanella: Artist of the People
I find this book so exciting! I love discovering a new artist and I confess that I’m not familiar with Ralph Fasanella’s paintings. It’s such an apropos book for our time.

Meow! The Truth about Cats
I believe this book contains everything we’ve ever wanted to know about cats, as well as things I didn’t know we wanted to know. And the visuals! Wow.

Finding Family: The Duckling Raised by Loons
The Loon Project, based in Minnesota and Wisconsin, discovered a loon family caring for a mallard duckling. Finding Family relates that story …

Two Books about Grief
Take these books to heart: two books that will help adults and children find paths into discussions about this part of life, Sitting Shiva and Walking Grandma Home.

Library Girl
I eagerly waited for this book. I wasn’t prepared to fall in love, which I most definitely have.

Maizy Chen’s Last Chance
This book has everything going for it. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wind up caring about the characters, and you’ll want to eat at the Golden Palace in Last Chance, Minnesota.

One Winter Up North
The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness in Minnesota, stretching for 150 miles along the Canadian border, is the setting for John Owens’ newest wordless picture book.

The Voice of My Heart
It works well to read poems here and there from The Voice of My Heart … but I often find myself caught up in the expressions of love and longing, moving from one poem to the next, contemplating, learning, feeling.