Reading Ahead

Our Beautiful Homelands

Our Beautiful Homelands 

There are those among us who are doing vital­ly impor­tant work. Mer­na Ann Hecht is a bright light among those wonder-workers.

We Miss You, George Floyd by Shannon Gibney

We Miss You, George Floyd 

Our democ­ra­cy asks that every cit­i­zen has the right to life. This pic­­ture-book trib­ute to George Floyd is elo­quent and pow­er­ful in its sim­plic­i­ty. The words flow like a song.



Adela does­n’t know who her father is. Now her step­fa­ther would like to adopt her but state law requires the birth father to give up parental rights. With some research, Adela finds her father and a fam­i­ly she knew noth­ing about.

My Incredible India

My Incredible India 

I am utter­ly mes­mer­ized by this book! The author and illus­tra­tor express their love for the won­ders of this vast and many-faceted coun­try, which shines from each dou­ble-page spread, irre­sistibly invit­ing the read­er to dis­cov­er more for the sheer joy of learning.

The Labors of Hercules Beal

The Labors of Hercules Beal 

There’s a right time for the right book. The time for this book is now. Read­ing it, you can­not help feel­ing hopeful.



Trev is a tal­ent­ed artist. He’s kind, thought­ful … and he doesn’t want to learn how to fight. But … he needs to pro­tect his family.

Thank You, Moon

Thank You, Moon 

Night is my favorite time of day, so I was entranced by this book about the many ways in which moon­light affects ani­mal behav­ior … includ­ing humans. 

I'm Gonna Paint: Ralph Fasanella, Artist of the People

Ralph Fasanella: Artist of the People 

I find this book so excit­ing! I love dis­cov­er­ing a new artist and I con­fess that I’m not famil­iar with Ralph Fasanella’s paint­ings. It’s such an apro­pos book for our time.

Meow The Truth about Cats

Meow! The Truth about Cats 

I believe this book con­tains every­thing we’ve ever want­ed to know about cats, as well as things I did­n’t know we want­ed to know. And the visu­als! Wow.

Finding Family

Finding Family: The Duckling Raised by Loons 

The Loon Project, based in Min­neso­ta and Wis­con­sin, dis­cov­ered a loon fam­i­ly car­ing for a mal­lard duck­ling. Find­ing Fam­i­ly relates that story …

Walking Grandma Home

Two Books about Grief 

Take these books to heart: two books that will help adults and chil­dren find paths into dis­cus­sions about this part of life, Sit­ting Shi­va and Walk­ing Grand­ma Home. 

Library Girl

Library Girl 

I eager­ly wait­ed for this book. I wasn’t pre­pared to fall in love, which I most def­i­nite­ly have.

Maizy Chen's Last Chance

Maizy Chen’s Last Chance 

This book has every­thing going for it. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wind up car­ing about the char­ac­ters, and you’ll want to eat at the Gold­en Palace in Last Chance, Minnesota.

One Winter Up North

One Winter Up North 

The Bound­ary Waters Canoe Area Wilder­ness in Min­neso­ta, stretch­ing for 150 miles along the Cana­di­an bor­der, is the set­ting for John Owens’ newest word­less pic­ture book.

The Voice of My Heart

The Voice of My Heart 

It works well to read poems here and there from The Voice of My Heart … but I often find myself caught up in the expres­sions of love and long­ing, mov­ing from one poem to the next, con­tem­plat­ing, learn­ing, feeling.

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