When We Reach Them

Picture Book Parade families reading

Picture Book Parade 

This sea­son, if you vis­it Min­neapo­lis’ Mid­town Farm­ers Mar­ket, you’ll stroll by a har­vest of pic­ture books by Min­neso­ta authors: Pic­ture Book Parade — a new ini­tia­tive by children’s authors Sarah War­ren and Cather­ine Urdahl.

We Are the Future

We Are the Future 

We Are the Future: Poems with a Voice for Peace is impos­si­ble to read with­out being deeply moved by the open hearts and minds of refugee and immi­grant youth in the Seat­tle area, guid­ed by poets and teach­ers Mer­na Hecht and Car­rie Stradley.

mother selecting books with her son

Children’s Literacy Foundation 

Imag­ine the joy of a child who nev­er had the priv­i­lege of own­ing a book being able to choose new hard­cov­er or paper­back edi­tions for free out of hun­dreds dis­played in front of him. The Children’s Lit­er­a­cy Foun­da­tion doesn’t have to imag­ine. Staff have seen the excit­ed smiles on these young faces for the past 23 years,

Margo Sorenson

A Good Word 

As teach­ers and writ­ers, we all love words. Would­n’t we love to be able to infuse that same love into each and every one of our stu­dents! Teach­ing Eng­lish to mid­dle school­ers and high school­ers for years gave me plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ties to try out dif­fer­ent ways of attempt­ing to kin­dle enthu­si­asm in my students


This is the sound of walk­ing into retire­ment for me and so many teach­ers this spring. Although friends are already email­ing to con­grat­u­late us on this new jour­ney, we’re all alone while pack­ing up our offices and class­rooms for the last time. There will be no big par­ties, no for­mal farewells, no cozy get-togeth­­­ers where

Margo Sorenson

The Gems: Revolutionize Your Teaching of Writing 

The stack of stu­dent papers lurks on the cor­ner of your desk, just wait­ing to be marked and grad­ed. Yes, the rubrics and grad­ing stan­dards will be applied con­sci­en­tious­ly, paper after paper. Your stu­dents wait, some in dread, some in hope­ful antic­i­pa­tion, for your final judg­ments on their papers. But wait — there’s anoth­er way to evaluate

Rachel Snyder, Lemont Public Library

Timeless Tales Program 

Cre­at­ing a Con­nect­ed Com­mu­ni­ty of Read­ers: Inter­gen­er­a­tional Sto­ry­time After see­ing a hand­ful of arti­cles about nurs­ing homes open­ing up preschools in a shared space, as well as the ben­e­fits from this part­ner­ship, I want­ed to find a way to cre­ate the same inter­gen­er­a­tional con­nec­tion in a library set­ting. We already had a rela­tion­ship with our local retire­ment home as our Cir­cu­la­tion Supervisor


Mod­eled after the One School, One Book premise, Phillips­burg School Dis­trict Ele­men­tary ELA & Social Stud­ies Cur­ricu­lum Direc­tor Dar­lene Noel cre­at­ed a school-wide event called #OneS­tate­lin­er­Sto­ry: Every Class­room. Every Stu­dent. Every Fam­i­ly. The fun­da­men­tal pur­pose of this event is to build a com­mu­ni­ty of read­ers through a shared read­ing expe­ri­ence. Think of it as a real­ly large book club!

Paul W. Hankins

When We Reach Them 

We’re out of school today in obser­vance of Oaks Day here in our area. This morn­ing, Ani­ta Sil­vey, chil­dren’s lit­er­a­ture expert and resource, remind­ed us on Face­book that Pete Seeger cel­e­brates a birth­day today. 100 years. I might not have known that with­out her post. How many of us would? How many of us would have known

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