
The Ofrenda That We Built

Jolene Gutiérrez 

How do moth­er and daugh­ter authors col­lab­o­rate on a pic­ture book?


Katherine Applegate and Gennifer Choldenko 

Dog­town is a fun­ny, heart-war­m­ing sto­ry about an ani­mal shel­ter from a dog’s point of view, writ­ten by col­lab­o­rat­ing authors Kather­ine Apple­gate and Gen­nifer Choldenko.

Toni Buzzeo

Toni Buzzeo 

I most fer­vent­ly hope that my young read­ers will learn that the voic­es and opin­ions of chil­dren are impor­tant in any con­ver­sa­tion — that chil­dren, espe­cial­ly tweens and teens, are impor­tant con­trib­u­tors to fam­i­ly deci­­sion-mak­ing and com­mu­ni­ty change.

Mark Ceilley

Mark Ceilley 

Writ­ing this book was a won­der­ful expe­ri­ence for me. I am proud to be a part of writ­ing a book that incor­po­rates themes of friend­ship, kind­ness, coöper­a­tion, and build­ing self-confidence.

Granny Rex

Granny Rex 

Kur­tis Scalet­ta is an expe­ri­enced writer of mid­dle grade and chap­ter books. Now his first pic­ture book is out and we’re curi­ous about his expe­ri­ence of writ­ing in this format. 

See the Ghost: Three Stories about Things You Cannot See

See the Author / See the Illustrator 

Once in a while, a duo cre­ates sev­er­al books togeth­er and they get to know one anoth­er. We’re curi­ous about how that works. Meet David LaRochelle, author, and Mike Wohnout­ka, illus­tra­tor, of six books togeth­er (so far).

Library Girl

This Biographer and Her Living Subject 

I won­der how often a pic­ture book biog­ra­ph­er has been friends with her sub­ject for sev­er­al decades and then worked close­ly with that per­son to get her man­u­script just right.

Pamela S. Turner

Pamela S. Turner 

I had sev­er­al goals from the onset. The first was to make human evo­lu­tion under­stand­able. I have always been inter­est­ed in the top­ic but found it very confusing 

Debra Frasier

This is the Planet Where I Live 

Illus­trat­ing a book writ­ten by K.L. Going, This is the Plan­et Where I Live, Debra Frasi­er works with col­lage that exu­ber­ant­ly cel­e­brates our con­nec­tions to every­thing on this earth.

J.S. Puller

Superheroes and Lost Things 

The titles of J.S. Puller’s first two books intrigued me so much that I imme­di­ate­ly checked them out of the library. Once I fin­ished them, I asked her for an interview.

Brian Weisfeld

The Startup Squad 

In which we inter­view Bri­an Weis­feld, one of the authors of The Start­up Squad series, fea­tur­ing a reluc­tant team of four girls who start their own busi­ness. I found them to be charm­ing … and I mean that in both sens­es of the word: being appeal­ing and cast­ing a spell.

Gennifer Choldenko

Gennifer Choldenko 

I’m so pleased to have Gen­nifer Chold­enko grant Bookol­o­gy an inter­view about all the ques­tions I’ve bot­tled up since read­ing Orphan Eleven, her newest nov­el. Each one of her nov­els is a page-turn­er from first to last, often intro­duc­ing his­to­ry we didn’t know but can’t wait to learn more about. Those are my favorite sorts of books.

Writing a Funny Book 

One of my favorite books of Gen­nifer Chold­enko’s is One-Third Nerd, in which a broth­er and two sis­ters attempt to solve the prob­lem of their beloved dog being incon­ti­nent in their rent­ed apart­ment, over which the land­lord threat­ens to evict them. They’ve been told a vet could fix the prob­lem, but surgery for their dog is low

Sky Stirs Up Trouble: Tornadoes

When the Meteorologist Writes the Weather Books 

It’s not often that we get to inter­view a sub­ject expert about a series of books on that expert’s area of knowl­edge. We’re pleased to talk with the author of the Bel the Weath­er Girl books, six of them, each pre­sent­ing a weath­er top­ic that kids will feel bet­ter about if they under­stand it: clouds, thun­der­storms, hail, tornadoes,

When Sue Found Sue 

Is there any muse­um exhib­it more fas­ci­nat­ing than Sue, the T. rex, at The Field Muse­um in  Chica­go, Illi­nois?  Now there’s a curios­i­­­ty-rais­ing, shy­­­ness-rec­og­niz­ing, dis­­­­­cus­­­sion-wor­thy book about the oth­er Sue, the woman who dis­cov­ered the T. rex dur­ing a dig in South Dako­ta. For ele­men­tary school stu­dents and your dinosaur-inspired kids in the library and at home,

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