
All Capone Does My Shirts Gennifer Choldenko

It Takes Place on Alcatraz 

Books about a spe­cif­ic locale are mag­nets for read­ers. One of the places that has mytho­log­i­cal sta­tus in Amer­i­can cul­ture is Alca­traz Island. Here are some of the books about this island that cap­ti­vates our imaginations.

100 Mighty Dragons All Named Broccoli

Math for the Young Set 

There are all kinds of ways to bring math into a young child’s life. Count birds out­side the win­dow. Talk about shapes and give them names. Dis­cuss mea­sure­ments while cook­ing. Our favorite way is to read sto­ries and look at pic­ture books, absorb­ing math con­cepts easily.

Going Down Home with Daddy

When Families Gather 

In the midst of the hol­i­days, or at any gath­­er­ing-time of year, these books are “just right” for read­ing out loud to young and old. Cel­e­brate family!

Wilma Jean the Worry Machine

Mental Health: Nonfiction 

Ann Jacobus and Nan­cy Bo Flood, authors and edu­ca­tors, offer select­ed non­fic­tion books with men­tal health as a focus.

King and the Dragonflies by Kacen Callender

Mental Health: Grief 

Ann Jacobus and Nan­cy Bo Flood, authors and edu­ca­tors, devel­oped this list of mid­dle grade nov­els and pic­ture books with grief and loss as a focus.

Lily and Dunkin by Donna Gephart

Mental Health: LGBTQ: Middle Grade 

Ann Jacobus and Nan­cy Bo Flood, authors and edu­ca­tors, devel­oped this list of books for mid­dle grade read­ers with men­tal health and LGBTQ char­ac­ters as a focus.

A Walk in the Woods by Nikki Grimes Jerry Pinkney Brian Pinkney

Mental Health: Several Lists 

Ann Jacobus and Nan­cy Bo Flood have con­tributed sev­er­al lists for PreK-Grade 8 in which men­tal health is a part of the story.

Dad's Girlfriend and Other Anxieties

Mental Health: Character Mental Health: Middle Grade 

Mid­dle grade read­ers will find win­dows and mir­rors in these nov­els whose char­ac­ters expe­ri­ence anx­i­ety, pho­bias, depres­sion, ther­a­py, OCD, ADHD, or grief. This list, devel­oped by Ann Jacobus and Nan­cy Bo Flood, pro­vides good recommendations.

Michael Rosen's Sad Book

Mental Health: Picture Books 

For a child expe­ri­enc­ing anx­i­ety, pho­bias, depres­sion, or grief, a pic­ture book is a good con­ver­sa­tion starter. This list, devel­oped by Ann Jacobus and Nan­cy Bo Flood, is essential.

More More More Said the Baby by Vera B. Williams

Books for Baby Gifts 

Books are a won­der­ful way to encour­age fam­i­lies to start the read-aloud habit ear­ly and often. Here are sug­ges­tions from peo­ple who work with chil­dren, fam­i­lies, and books.

Jayden's Secret Ingredient

Gardening and Community 

To encour­age plant­i­ng seeds to save the envi­ron­ment, to bright­en spir­its, and to instill a sense of con­nec­tion and pos­si­bil­i­ty, I like to read the fol­low­ing books that focus on gar­den­ing and com­mu­ni­ty. Read and grow!

Time to Pray

Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 

Ramadan begins this year on March 22nd, and cul­mi­nates with Eid al-Fitr on either April 20th or 21st. Here are books you can read with your chil­dren if you are observ­ing Ramadan or if you are hon­or­ing Ramadan with your friends and family.

Bee-bim Bop!

Fabulous Food 

There are so many ter­rif­ic books about food! I could go on and on with selec­tions and rec­om­men­da­tions but these are a few of my favorites.

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