Death and Grief

Our Chap­ter & Verse Book Clubs read three books about death, writ­ten for chil­dren, in April of 2017. We’ve updat­ed this list with new­er books in Octo­ber, 2024. Sev­er­al of our librar­i­an mem­bers stat­ed that they receive many requests from patrons for books that help chil­dren under­stand death. Our mem­bers around the coun­try put their heads togeth­er to make rec­om­men­da­tions of books they felt are excel­lent sto­ries and dis­cus­sion starters for fam­i­lies. They are pre­sent­ed in alpha­bet­i­cal order by title. There are books sug­gest­ed for many age ranges from pic­ture books to books for teens. And, as with most good chil­dren’s books, these are good read­ing for adults as well.

(Thanks to all of the peo­ple who have con­tributed to this list: Patri­cia Bauer, Nan­cy Bo Flood, Mar­garet Hall, Paula Hud­dy, Susan Olean­na, Ramona from Slice of Life, Carmela McCain Sim­mons, and Tri­cia Springstubb.)

You may find that some of these books are out of print. If you feel the sub­ject mat­ter fits your sit­u­a­tion, please con­tact your local pub­lic library — the book may be avail­able through inter­li­brary loan.

After Life

After Life: Ways We Think about Death
writ­ten by Mer­rie-Ellen Wilcox
Orca Pub­lish­ing, 2018

For ages 8 to 12 (and old­er), a look at the sci­ence and cul­ture of death, dying, and grief. Each chap­ter includes a brief telling of a death leg­end, myth or his­to­ry from a dif­fer­ent cul­ture or tra­di­tion, from Adam and Eve to Wolf and Coy­ote, and ends with a sec­tion on a com­mon theme in our think­ing about death, such as rivers and birds in the after­life, the col­ors that dif­fer­ent cul­tures use to sym­bol­ize death, and, of course, ghosts. The final chap­ter is about grief, which is both a uni­ver­sal human expe­ri­ence and unique to each per­son. The text offers sug­ges­tions for ways to think about our grief, when to ask for help and how to talk to friends who are grieving.

All Around Us

All Around Us
writ­ten by Xele­na Gon­za­lez, illus by Adri­ana M. Gar­cia
Cin­co Pun­tas Press, 2017

For ages 3 to 7, a young girl and her grand­fa­ther look at the cir­cles in nature and the cycles in life. They dis­cuss the earth, plant­i­ng and har­vest­ing, and life, from birth to death. It’s a book filled with images that will stay with you for a long time.

All Three Stooges

All Three Stooges
writ­ten by Eri­ca S. Perl
Knopf, 2018

The close friend­ship of two best friends, Noah and Dash, is heav­i­ly test­ed when Dash’s father com­mits sui­cide. Dash with­draws from Noah and Noah isn’t sure how to breach the wall. The two have always shared a love of com­e­dy and Noah tries his best because he needs his friend book. Noa, a girl in Dash and Noah’s Hebrew class, adds to the tex­ture of the sto­ry, as does an inter­wo­ven his­to­ry of famous Jew­ish come­di­ans. This book is full of humor, heart, and under­stand­ing … share this as a fam­i­ly read-aloud.

Always Remember

Always Remem­ber
writ­ten by Cece Meng
illus­trat­ed by Jago
Philomel Books, 2016
ages 3 and up

After Old Tur­tle swims his last swim and breathes his last breath, and the waves gen­tly take him away, his friends lov­ing­ly remem­ber how he impact­ed each and every one of them. As the sea ani­mals think back on how much bet­ter Old Tur­tle made their lives and their world, they real­ize that he is not tru­ly gone, because his mem­o­ry and lega­cy will last forever.

Badger's Parting Gifts

Bad­ger’s Part­ing Gifts
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Susan Var­ley
Harper­Collins, 1992

When Bad­ger dies, his friends are very sad. Each of them finds a gift that Bad­ger gave them and shares the sto­ry of the gift with the oth­ers, which helps them all to under­stand what made Bad­ger so spe­cial to them.

Beat the Turtle Drum

Beat the Tur­tle Drum
writ­ten by Con­stance Greene
Viking Pen­guin, 1976

Two sis­ters, one gre­gar­i­ous and one more intro­spec­tive, are best friends, explor­ing life togeth­er. One of them is horse-crazy and the oth­er tries to under­stand what it is about a horse that makes her sis­ter so entranced. Then one day, there’s an acci­dent, and life changes dra­mat­i­cal­ly for this family. 

Big Cat, Little Cat

Big Cat, Lit­tle Cat
writ­ten and illus by Elisha Coop­er
Roar­ing Brook Press, 2017

A big cat befriends a lit­tle cat. This sto­ry fol­lows the two cats through their days, months, and years until one day, the old­er cat has to go. And he doesn’t come back. A poignant sto­ry about the act of mov­ing on.


writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Julie Flett
Grey­stone Kids, 2019
ages 3 and up

When Kather­e­na and her moth­er move to a small town, Kather­e­na feels lone­ly and out of place. But when she meets an elder­ly woman artist who lives next door, named Agnes — her world starts to change.

Kather­e­na and Agnes share the same pas­sions for arts and crafts, birds, and nature. But as the sea­sons change, can Kath­er­na nav­i­gate the fail­ing health of her new friend?

Boats for Papa

Boats for Papa
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Jes­sixa Bagley
Neal Porter Books
Roar­ing Book Press, 2015
ages 4 and up

Buck­ley loves to carve boats out of drift­wood. He makes all kinds of boats and sends them out to sea, his Mama by his side. If the boats don’t come back to him, he know they’ve found their way to Papa, whom he miss­es very much.

Bridge to Terabithia

Bridge to Ter­abithia
writ­ten by Kather­ine Pater­son
Harper­Collins, 1977

Jess Aarons has been prac­tic­ing all sum­mer so he can be the fastest run­ner in the fifth grade. And he almost is, until the new girl in school, Leslie Burke, out­paces him. The two become fast friends and spend most days in the woods behind Leslie’s house, where they invent an enchant­ed land called Ter­abithia. One morn­ing, Leslie goes to Ter­abithia with­out Jess and a tragedy occurs. It will take the love of his fam­i­ly and the strength that Leslie has giv­en him for Jess to be able to deal with his grief.

Care and Feeding of a Pet Black Hole

Care and Feed­ing of a Pet Black Hole
writ­ten by Michelle Cuevas
Dial Books, 2017

When Stel­la Rodriguez vis­its NASA to con­tribute to the Gold­en Record, a black hole fol­lows her home. Mean­ing to become a pet, it swal­lows up every­thing it touch­es (as a black hole would). That’s con­ve­nient for get­ting rid of gifts she does­n’t love … and for things that remind her painful­ly of her father who has recent­ly died. When the black hole eats her, her broth­er, and her dog, she comes to a real­iza­tion about grief. At turns fun­ny and touch­ing, this is a good empa­thy-build­ing book for ages 8 to 12.

Charlotte's Web

Char­lot­te’s Web
writ­ten by E.B. White, illus by Garth Williams
Harp­er & Broth­ers, 1952

Char­lot­te’s Web is the sto­ry of a lit­tle girl named Fern who loved a lit­tle pig named Wilbur — and of Wilbur’s dear friend Char­lotte A. Cavat­i­ca, a beau­ti­ful large grey spi­der who lived with Wilbur in the barn. With the help of Tem­ple­ton, the rat who nev­er did any­thing for any­body unless there was some­thing in it for him, and by a won­der­ful­ly clever plan of her own, Char­lotte saved the life of Wilbur, who by this time had grown up to be some pig. This is a sto­ry of a great friend­ship, and loss, and deal­ing with grief.

City Dog, Country Frog

City Dog, Coun­try Frog
writ­ten by Mo Willems, illus by Jon J Muth
Hype­r­i­on Books, 2010

When a dog from the city is allowed to run free in the coun­try, he comes across a frog sit­ting on a rock who is wait­ing for a friend. Togeth­er they play games and have adven­tures, becom­ing good friends. As the sea­sons pass, and the city dog returns to the coun­try, he always looks up his friend so they can play togeth­er. Then, on a trip to the coun­try, frog is no longer then. The city dog must deal with the loss. A very spe­cial, warm-heart­ed book that will open up dis­cus­sions with your young children.

Clayton Bird Goes Underground

Clay­ton Bird Goes Under­ground
writ­ten by Rita Williams-Gar­cia, illus by  Frank Mor­ri­son
Amis­tad, 2017

Clay­ton res­onates with his grand­fa­ther’s music, the blues. Although Clay­ton is young, Cool Papa Byrd lets him play his blues harp (har­mon­i­ca) when he and the Blues­men per­form. Clay­ton emu­lates his grand­fa­ther, loves him com­plete­ly, wants des­per­ate­ly to under­stand the blues. But Clay­ton’s moth­er har­bors resent­ments about her dad and his always being on the road when she was grow­ing up. When Cool Papa Bird dies unex­pect­ed­ly, Clay­ton knows he must play the blues … and his moth­er for­bids him. Clay­ton runs away from home, try­ing to find the Blues­men so he can join them on tour. Things don’t go quite as planned and sud­den­ly life, and the blues, take on new meanings.

Cry Heart, But Never Break

Cry, Heart, But Nev­er Break
writ­ten by Glenn Ringvedt, illus by Char­lotte Par­di
Enchant­ed Lion Books, 2016

This is one of the books we read for Chap­ter & Verse. Peo­ple felt it tells the sto­ry of death quite sen­si­tive­ly. Aware their grand­moth­er is grave­ly ill, four sib­lings make a pact to keep death from tak­ing her away. But Death does arrive all the same, as it must. He comes gen­tly, nat­u­ral­ly. And he comes with enough time to share a sto­ry with the chil­dren that helps them to real­ize the val­ue of loss to life and the impor­tance of being able to say goodbye.

Dad's Camera

Dad’s Cam­era
writ­ten by Ross Watkins
illus­trat­ed by Liz Anel­li
Can­dlewick Press, 2018
ages 5 and up

One day Dad comes home with one of those old cam­eras, the kind that uses film. But he doesn’t take pho­tos of the reg­u­lar things peo­ple pho­to­graph. He takes pic­tures of his keys, his cof­fee cup, the objects scat­tered on his desk. He starts doing a lot of things that are hard to under­stand, like putting items that belong in the fridge in the cup­board and ones that belong in the cup­board in the fridge. In a sen­si­tive, touch­ing tale about los­ing a fam­i­ly mem­ber to a ter­mi­nal ill­ness, prov­ing that love is the one thing that can nev­er be forgotten.

The Dead Bird

The Dead Bird
writ­ten by Mar­garet Wise Brown
Illus­trat­ed by Remy  Char­lip
Harper­Collins, 1995
(a recent ver­sion is illus­trat­ed by Chris­t­ian Robinson)

Susan Olean­na rec­om­mends, “The nat­ur­al rev­er­ence of young chil­dren’s brief cer­e­mo­ni­al obser­vance, espe­cial­ly the orig­i­nal edi­tion with Remy Char­lip’s illus­tra­tions, is many decades old but timeless.”

One day, the chil­dren find a bird lying on its side with its eyes closed and no heart­beat. They are very sor­ry, so they decide to say good-bye. In the park, they dig a hole for the bird and cov­er it with warm sweet-ferns and flow­ers. Final­ly, they sing sweet songs to send the lit­tle bird on its way.

A beau­ti­ful book to share with chil­dren begin­ning to grap­ple with loss.

Do Fish Sleep?

Do Fish Sleep?
writ­ten by Jens Raschke and Jens Rass­mus
Illus­trat­ed by Belin­da Coop­er
Enchant­ed Lion Books, 2019

Some peo­ple die when they’re very old, and some when they’re young. Only one thing’s for cer­tain: none of us escape it. A fact and absur­di­ty not lost on this win­ning ten-year-old. Sick since even before Jette can remem­ber, her broth­er Emil now has died. The feel­ings that los­ing him evoke in her are huge and con­fus­ing. Most sim­ply, it feels as though a dark rain cloud has descend­ed over her fam­i­ly. And then there’s the ridicu­lous fact that nobody seems to know what hap­pens after you die, and yet adults often talk as if they do. This is an hon­est, dark­ly fun­ny look into loss, mem­o­ry, and the search for answers.

Death is Stupid

Death is Stu­pid
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Anas­ta­sia Hig­gin­both­am
Fem­i­nist Press at CUNY, 2016

In a starred review, Pub­lish­ers Week­ly wrote, “It’s [an] exact mix of true-to-life humor and unflinch­ing hon­esty that makes Higginbotham’s book work so well, and many of the plain­spo­ken sen­ti­ments she includes, as well as sev­er­al includ­ed ideas for how to remem­ber and hon­or those who have depart­ed, may be eye-open­ing for read­ers fac­ing grief them­selves.” If your child, ages 4 and up, will ben­e­fit from direct respons­es, share this book with them. 

Dog Heav­en
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Cyn­thia Rylant
Blue Sky Press, 1995

Specif­i­cal­ly writ­ten for very young chil­dren who are griev­ing the loss of a dog, Rylant por­trays heav­en as a place where dogs are free to roam and play and God is a kind­ly man dis­pens­ing dog bis­cuits. The details are plen­ti­ful, cre­at­ing a lov­ing pic­ture of a rest­ful place. There is a com­pan­ion vol­ume, Cat Heav­en.

Duck, Death and the Tulip

Duck, Death and the Tulip
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wold Erl­bruch
Gecko Press, 2016

When Death appears behind Duck one sum­mer day, Duck is alarmed. Has Death come to claim Duck? But they spend the sum­mer togeth­er, grow­ing com­fort­able with each oth­er, offer­ing advice and ges­tures of friend­ship. When it is time for Duck to die, Death shows great respect, send­ing Duck afloat down a riv­er with a red tulip on its breast. The art and the sto­ry work beau­ti­ful­ly togeth­er in this book for ages 10 and up. 

Fall of Freddy the Leaf

Fall of Fred­dy the Leaf: a Sto­ry of Life for All Ages
writ­ten by Leo Buscaglia
Stack, Inc., 1982

This sto­ry tells about death through the metaphor of leaves on trees. Fred­die and his com­pan­ion leaves change with the pass­ing sea­sons, final­ly falling to the ground with win­ter’s snow, an alle­go­ry that illus­trates the del­i­cate bal­ance between life and death.

Forever Sky

The For­ev­er Sky
writ­ten by Thomas Pea­cock
illus­trat­ed by Annette S. Lee
Min­neso­ta His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Press, 2019
ages 3 and up

Nooko’s spir­it is there in the stars,” says Niigaanii to his younger broth­er, Bineshi­inh, as they sprawl in a mead­ow, gaz­ing sky­ward. “Uncle said when Nooko’:s spir­it left this world it went there.” Nooko was their grand­moth­er, and they miss her. But Uncle helps them find com­fort in the night sky, where all the stars have sto­ries. Indeed, there are so many stars and so many sto­ries that the boys spend night after night observ­ing and shar­ing, mak­ing sense of pat­terns and wis­dom in “the for­ev­er sky.”

The Funeral

The Funer­al
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Matt James
Ground­wood Books, 2018

Going to her great-uncle’s funer­al, Nor­ma is look­ing for­ward to a day off of school and a chance to play with her favorite cousin. She is “prac­tic­ing her sad face in the mir­ror of her par­ents’ room. Though she was, in fact, pret­ty hap­py.” The seri­ous nature of the day takes hold as Nor­ma observes and con­tem­plates oth­er peo­ple’s feel­ings and ques­tions: “Is Uncle Frank still a per­son?” This is a good book for chil­dren attend­ing their first funer­al or memo­r­i­al ser­vice. The art­work is nuanced and evocative.

The Goodbye Book

The Good­bye Book
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Todd Parr
Lit­tle, Brown, 2016

Told from the per­spec­tive of a lone­ly fish, this book deals with the big ques­tions and emo­tions of los­ing some­one close to you, whether it’s a human or a pet. The Good­bye Book is reas­sur­ing that pain will ease with time and mem­o­ries and the sup­port of oth­ers around you.

Grandpa Green

Grand­pa Green
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Lane Smith
Roar­ing Book Press, 2011
ages 3 and up

Grand­pa Green was­n’t always a gar­den­er. He was a farm­boy and a kid with chick­en­pox and a sol­dier and, most of all, an artist. In this cap­ti­vat­ing new pic­ture book, read­ers fol­low Grand­pa Green’s great-grand­son into a gar­den he cre­at­ed, a fan­tas­tic world where mem­o­ries are hand­ed down in the fan­ci­ful shapes of top­i­ary trees and imag­i­na­tion recre­ates things forgotten.

Grandpa's Stories

Grand­pa’s Sto­ries: A Book of Remem­ber­ing
writ­ten by Joseph Coel­ho
illus­trat­ed by Alli­son Colpoys
Abrams, 2019
ages 4 and up

One young girl reflects on a year with her beloved grand­pa. She remem­bers the fields and parks they explored in the spring­time and the old toys they fixed up in the sum­mer. She remem­bers the hand­made gifts they exchanged in the fall and the sto­ries Grand­pa told by the fi re each win­ter. But this year, the girl must say good-bye to Grand­pa. In the face of her grief, she is deter­mined to find a way to hon­or him. She decides to record her Grand­pa sto­ries in the note­book he made for her and car­ry Grand­pa with her as she grows. An hon­est and relat­able depic­tion of loss, Grandpa’s Sto­ries cel­e­brates life and the ways in which love lives on.

The Heart and the Bottle

The Heart and the Bot­tle
writ­ten and illus by Oliv­er Jef­fers
Philomel Books, 2010

There is a won­der and mag­ic to child­hood. We don’t real­ize it at the time, of course … yet the adults in our lives do. They encour­age us to see things in the stars, to find joy in col­ors and laugh­ter as we play.

But what hap­pens when that spe­cial some­one who encour­ages such won­der and mag­ic is no longer around? We can hide, we can place our heart in a bot­tle and grow up … or we can find anoth­er spe­cial some­one who under­stands the mag­ic. And we can encour­age them to see things in the stars, find joy among col­ors and laugh­ter as they play. This is a book that address­es loss, painful emo­tions, and find­ing one’s way back.

Hey, Al

Hey, Al
writ­ten by Arthur Yorkins, illus by Richard Egiel­s­ki
Gold­en Books, 1986

Al, a jan­i­tor, and his faith­ful dog, Eddie, live in a sin­gle room on the West Side. They eat togeth­er, they work togeth­er, they do every­thing togeth­er. So what’s the prob­lem? Life is hard. When a mys­te­ri­ous bird offers to lead them to par­adise, they agree. They’re soon liv­ing a life of lux­u­ry. But things aren’t as green as they seem.

Ida, Always

Ida, Always
writ­ten Car­ol Levis, illus by Charles San­toso
Atheneum, 2016

In this pic­ture book, two polar bears are best friends and they know they will always be. But then Ida gets sick and it’s clear that she is dying, and Gus real­izes he will be alone. They talk and cud­dle and share their love for each oth­er. Gus real­izes that Ida will be with him always, even after she has died. It’s a gor­geous book with an equal­ly beau­ti­ful sto­ry to tell.

Life is Like the Wind

Life is Like the Wind 
writ­ten by Shon­na Innes, illus by Írisz Agócs
Bar­ron’s, 2014

The life inside your body is tricky to see, but you can feel it. Life lets you run and laugh and play – like how the wind helps kites to fly across the sky and leaves to dance across the ground. But where does the wind go when it stops blow­ing? And where does life go when it leaves the body?

This series deals with emo­tive issues that chil­dren face in direct and gen­tle terms, allow­ing children’s feel­ings and prob­lems to be more eas­i­ly shared and dis­cussed with fam­i­ly and friends. Author Shona Innes is a qual­i­fied clin­i­cal and foren­sic psy­chol­o­gist with many years of expe­ri­ence assist­ing children.


The Beau­ti­ful Way to Explain Death to Chil­dren 
writ­ten by Bryan Mel­lonie, illus by Robert Ing­pen
Ban­tam, 1983

For ages 5 to 8, this book was rec­om­mend­ed by sev­er­al child psy­chol­o­gists because it looks at the life cycles of plants, ani­mals, and humans in an under­stat­ed but com­fort­ing way, accom­pa­nied by sooth­ing illustrations.

The Line Tender

The Line Ten­der
writ­ten by Kate Allen
Dut­ton, 2019

Wher­ev­er the sharks led, Lucy Ever­hart’s marine-biol­o­gist moth­er was sure to fol­low. In fact, she was on a boat far off the coast of Mass­a­chu­setts, col­lect­ing shark data when she died sud­den­ly. Lucy was sev­en. Since then Lucy and her father have kept their heads above water — thanks in large part to a few close friends and neigh­bors. But June of her twelfth sum­mer brings more than the end of school and a heat wave to sleepy Rock­port. On one steamy day, the tide brings a great white — and then anoth­er tragedy, cut­ting short a friend­ship every­one insists was “mean­ing­ful” but no one can tell Lucy what it all meant. To sur­vive the fresh wave of grief, Lucy must grab the line that con­nects her depressed father, a stub­born fish­er­man, and a curi­ous old wid­ow­er to her moth­er’s unfin­ished research on the Great White’s return to Cape Cod. If Lucy can find a way to help this unlike­ly quar­tet fol­low the sharks her moth­er loved, she’ll final­ly be able to look beyond what she’s lost and toward what’s left to be discovered.

A Map into the World

Map into the World 
writ­ten by Kao Kalia Yang, illus by Seo Kim
Car­ol­rho­da Books, 2019

As the sea­sons change, so too does a young Hmong girl’s world. She moves into a new home with her fam­i­ly and encoun­ters both birth and death. As this curi­ous girl explores life inside her house and beyond, she col­lects bits of the nat­ur­al world. But who are her trea­sures for?

Maybe Tomorrow?

Maybe Tomor­row?
writ­ten by Char­lotte Agell
illus­trat­ed by Ana Rami’rez Gon­za­’lez
Scholas­tic Press, 2019
ages 4 and up

An affec­tion­ate, sooth­ing sto­ry, this ten­der explo­ration of grief will res­onate with any­one who has expe­ri­enced hard­ship, sen­si­tive­ly demon­strat­ing the heal­ing pow­er of a friend who can see, lis­ten, sit with, and love us through all our feelings.

The Memory Box

The Mem­o­ry Box: a Book about Grief
writ­ten by Joan­na Row­land, illus by Thea Bak­er
Beam­ing Books, 2017

I’m scared I’ll for­get you…” From the per­spec­tive of a young child, Joan­na Row­land art­ful­ly describes what it is like to remem­ber and grieve a loved one who has died. The child in the sto­ry cre­ates a mem­o­ry box to keep memen­tos and writ­ten mem­o­ries of the loved one, to help in the griev­ing process. Heart­felt and com­fort­ing, The Mem­o­ry Box will help chil­dren and adults talk about this very dif­fi­cult top­ic together.

Memory Tree

Mem­o­ry Tree
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Brit­ta Teck­en­trup
Orchard Books, 2014

Fox lies down in his beloved for­est and takes his last breath. As ani­mal friends gath­er around him, they share their favorite sto­ries about the ways Fox was impor­tant in their lives. As they speak, a tree grows behind them, a mem­o­ry tree, that will pro­vide for and pro­tect them, just as their friend Fox did. A pic­ture book for ages 5 and up.

Michael Rosen's Sad Book

Michael Rosen’s Sad Book
writ­ten by Michael Rosen, illus­trat­ed by Quentin Blake
Can­dlewick Press, 2005

Some­times sad is very big. It’s every­where. All over me.” Sad things hap­pen to every­one, and some­times peo­ple feel sad for no rea­son at all. What makes Michael Rosen sad is think­ing about his son, Eddie, who died sud­den­ly at the age of eigh­teen. In this book the author writes about his sad­ness, how it affects him, and some of the things he does to cope with it — like telling him­self that every­one has sad stuff (not just him) and try­ing every day to do some­thing he can be proud to have done.

Mick Harte Was Here

Mick Harte Was Here
writ­ten by Bar­bara Park
Ran­dom House, 1995

I don’t want to make you cry. I just want to tell you about Mick. But I thought you should know right up front that he’s not here any­more. I just thought that would be fair.” Phoebe’s broth­er, Mick, was one of the fun­ni­est, coolest kids you’d ever meet — the kid who made you laugh until your stom­ach hurt, even if you were mad at him. He was the kid you’d want to be friends with. So how can he be gone? And how will Phoebe’s fam­i­ly sur­vive with­out him?

Missing May

Miss­ing May
writ­ten by Cyn­thia Rylant
Orchard Books, Scholas­tic, 1992

When May dies sud­den­ly while gar­den­ing, Sum­mer assumes she’ll nev­er see her beloved aunt again. But then Sum­mer’s Uncle Ob claims that May is on her way back – she has sent a sign from the spir­it world.

Sum­mer isn’t sure she believes in the spir­it world, but her quirky class­mate Cle­tus Under­wood – who befriends Ob dur­ing his time of mourn­ing — does. So at Cle­tus’ sug­ges­tion, Ob and Sum­mer (with Cle­tus in tow) set off in search of Miri­am B. Young, Small Medi­um at Large, whom they hope will explain May’s depar­ture and con­firm her pos­si­ble return.

Missing Mommy

Miss­ing Mom­my: a Book about Bereave­ment
writ­ten by Rebec­ca Cobb
Hen­ry Holt, 2013

Writ­ten from a young boy’s point of view, with words and draw­ings appro­pri­ate for some­one his age, this is a straight­for­ward sto­ry that explores the many emo­tions a bereaved child may expe­ri­ence, from anger and guilt to sad­ness and bewil­der­ment. Ulti­mate­ly, Miss­ing Mom­my focus­es on the positive―the recog­ni­tion that the child is not alone but still part of a fam­i­ly that loves and sup­ports him.

Missing Nimama

Miss­ing Nima­ma
writ­ten by Melanie Flo­rence, illus by François This­dale
Clock­wise Press, 2015

A young Cree girl talks with her grand­moth­er about her miss­ing moth­er. That young moth­er, one of many miss­ing indige­nous women, watch­es over her daugh­ter in spir­it, observ­ing her first day of school, her first dance, her wed­ding, and the birth of her own child. Told in alter­nat­ing voic­es with beau­ti­ful­ly affect­ing illus­tra­tions, this is a book that not only helps us under­stand an unex­plained loss, but also high­lights the trag­ic dis­ap­pear­ance of indige­nous women in North Amer­i­ca. Back mat­ter pro­vides an age-appro­pri­ate expla­na­tion and a glos­sary of Cree terms.

A Monster Calls

A Mon­ster Calls
writ­ten by Patrick Ness
Inspired by an idea from Siob­han Dowd
Can­dlewick Press, 2011

At sev­en min­utes past mid­night, thir­teen-year-old Conor wakes to find a mon­ster out­side his bed­room win­dow. But it isn’t the mon­ster Conor’s been expect­ing, the one from the night­mare he’s had near­ly every night since his moth­er start­ed her treat­ments. The mon­ster in his back­yard is dif­fer­ent. It’s ancient. And wild. And it wants some­thing from Conor. It wants the truth. From the final idea of award-win­ning author Siob­han Dowd — whose pre­ma­ture death from can­cer pre­vent­ed her from writ­ing it her­self — Patrick Ness has spun a haunt­ing and dark­ly fun­ny nov­el of mis­chief, loss, and mon­sters both real and imagined.

My Big Dumb Invisible Dragon

My Big Dumb Invis­i­ble Drag­on
writ­ten by Ang­ie Lucas, illus by Bir­git­ta Sif
Sounds True, 2019

Ahen a young boy los­es his moth­er, an invis­i­ble drag­on swoops in and perch­es on top of his head. A most unwel­come guest, the drag­on fol­lows him to school, sleeps on his chest at night (mak­ing it hard for him to breathe), and even crash­es his birth­day par­ty. As the boy comes to terms with his mother’s death, how­ev­er, his rela­tion­ship with the drag­on changes in sur­pris­ing ways. The book shows that heal­ing takes time and that it’s OK to expe­ri­ence a wide range of emo­tions as you process a real­ly big loss.

My Father's Arms Are a Boat

My Father’s Arms Are a Boat
writ­ten by Stein Erik Lunde, illus by Oyvind Torseter 
trans­lat­ed by Kari Dick­son
Enchant­ed Lion Books, 2013

It’s qui­eter than it’s ever been. Unable to sleep, a young boy climbs into his father’s arms. Feel­ing the warmth and close­ness of his father, he begins to ask ques­tions about the birds, the fox­es, and whether his mom will ever wake up. They go out­side under the star­ry sky. Loss and love are as present as the white spruces, while the father’s clear answers and assur­ances calm his wor­ried son. 

My Father's Words

My Father’s Words
writ­ten by Patri­cia MacLach­lan
Kather­ine Tegen Books / Harper­Collins, 2018

In the midst of a lov­ing fam­i­ly, Finn and Fiona are secure in their par­ents’ love and car­ing. When their father meets with an acci­dent, they must learn how to cope with­out him. A friend sug­gests they work at an ani­mal res­cue shel­ter, which may be their way out of the sor­row. A car­ing, gen­tle book. 

Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs

Nana Upstairs & Nana Down­stairs
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Tomie de Pao­la
G.P. Put­nam’s Sons, 1997

Tom­my is four years old, and he loves vis­it­ing the home of his grand­moth­er, Nana Down­stairs, and his great-grand­moth­er, Nana Upstairs. But one day Tom­my’s moth­er tells him Nana Upstairs won’t be there any­more, and Tom­my must strug­gle with say­ing good­bye to some­one he loves. This is a qui­et sto­ry about a lov­ing family.

The Next Place

The Next Place
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by War­ren Han­son
Wald­man House Press, 2002

Sev­er­al librar­i­ans rec­om­mend­ed this book as one that brings com­fort after loss. With words and paint­ings, it depicts a jour­ney of light and hope to a place where earth­ly hurts are left behind.

Ocean Meets Sky

Ocean Meets Sky
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Ter­ry Fan and Eric Fan
Simon & Schus­ter, 2018

In a tour-de-force of illus­tra­tion and sto­ry­telling, the Fan Broth­ers share the sto­ry of Finn, who planned an ocean voy­age with his beloved grand­fa­ther. After grand­fa­ther’s death, Finn builds a boat to take that voy­age on what would have been his grand­fa­ther’s 90th birth­day. With this ges­ture of hon­or and respect, sail­ing to the place where the ocean meets the sky, Finn finds com­fort, sail­ing through pages of won­der until his moth­er calls him home.

On My Honor

On My Hon­or
writ­ten by Mar­i­on Dane Bauer
Houghton Mif­flin, 1987

Joel’s best friend Tony drowns while they are swim­ming in the for­bid­den, treach­er­ous Ver­mil­ion Riv­er. Joel is ter­ri­fied at hav­ing to tell of his dis­obe­di­ence and over­whelmed by his feel­ings of guilt. This mov­ing account tack­les a dif­fi­cult sub­ject with under­stand­ing. A fine book for open­ing dis­cus­sions about death and guilt.

Ordinary Day

An Ordi­nary Day
writ­ten by Elana K. Arnold
illus­trat­ed by Eliz­a­bet Vukovic
Beach Lane Books, 2020
ages 3 and up

It’s an aver­age day in the neigh­bor­hood — chil­dren play, ros­es are watered, and a crow watch­es over it all. But then two vis­i­tors arrive at two hous­es, one to help a fam­i­ly say hel­lo to a new baby and one to help a fam­i­ly say good­bye to a beloved pet. This sen­si­tive pic­ture book takes a gen­tle look at life, death, the bonds of fam­i­ly, and the extra­or­di­nary moments that make ordi­nary days so special.

The Rabbit Listened

The Rab­bit Lis­tened
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Cori Doer­rfeld
Dial Books, 2018

When some­thing sad hap­pens, Tay­lor does­n’t know where to turn. All the ani­mals are sure they have the answer. The chick­en wants to talk it out, but Tay­lor does­n’t feel like chat­ting. The bear thinks Tay­lor should get angry, but that’s not quite right either. One by one, the ani­mals try to tell Tay­lor how to act, and one by one they fail to offer com­fort. Then the rab­bit arrives. All the rab­bit does is lis­ten … which is just what Tay­lor needs.

Remembering Ethan

Remem­ber­ing Ethan
writ­ten by Lesléa New­man
illus­trat­ed by Tra­cy Nishimu­ra Bish­op
Mag­i­na­tion Press, 2020

Ethan. Ethan. Ethan. Sarah miss­es her adored big broth­er with all her heart. She wants to cel­e­brate all the fun times she and her par­ents spent with him. But ever since Ethan died, Mom­my and Dad­dy won’t men­tion him. Sarah can’t even say his name with­out upset­ting them. Why don’t they want to remem­ber Ethan? This is a ten­der trib­ute to a lost fam­i­ly mem­ber that can help fam­i­lies begin healing.

The Rough Patch

Rough Patch
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Bri­an Lies
Green­wil­low Books, 2018

Evan, a fox, and his dog share many adven­tures, includ­ing gar­den­ing and the coun­ty fair. When his dog dies, Evan is incon­solable. He neglects his gar­den and it becomes over­grown and weedy. In a cor­ner of the gar­den, a giant pump­kin begins grow­ing and soon it becomes clear it must be entered in the coun­ty fair. Evan returns to one of his favorite places, meet­ing up with friends, old and new.

The Scar

The Scar
writ­ten by Char­lotte Moundlic, illus by Olivi­er Tal­lec
Can­dlewick Press, 2011

When the boy in this sto­ry wakes to find that his moth­er has died, he is over­whelmed with sad­ness, anger, and fear that he will for­get her. He shuts all the win­dows to keep in his moth­er’s famil­iar smell and scratch­es open the cut on his knee to remem­ber her com­fort­ing voice. He does­n’t know how to speak to his dad any­more, and when Grand­ma vis­its and throws open the win­dows, it’s more than the boy can take – until his grand­moth­er shows him anoth­er way to feel that his mom’s love is near. 

The Shared Room

The Shared Room
writ­ten by Kao Kalia Yang, illus by Xee Reit­er
Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta Press, 2020

When some­one you love dies, you know what doesn’t die? Love. On the hot beach, among col­or­ful umbrel­las bloom­ing beneath a bright sun, no one saw a lit­tle girl walk into the water. Now, many months lat­er, her bed­room remains emp­ty, her draw­ers hold her clothes, her pil­lows and sheets still have her scent, and her moth­er and father, broth­ers and sis­ter car­ry her in their hearts, along with their grief, which takes up so much space. The Shared Room brings a mes­sage of com­fort and hope to read­ers young and old.

Something Very Sorry

Some­thing Very Sor­ry
writ­ten by Arno Bohlmei­jer
Houghton Mif­flin Har­court, 1996

For ages 12 and up, this is the true sto­ry of a young girl’s strug­gle to come to terms with a tragedy. This sober nar­ra­tion reveals the pri­vate voice of a girl as she copes with the after­math of a car acci­dent: her moth­er’s death, the injuries of her father and sis­ter, and her own grief, anger, and fear of the future. It’s a poignant sto­ry of a dif­fi­cult fam­i­ly situation.


Stay: A Girl, a Dog, a Buck­et List
writ­ten by Kate Klise
illus­trat­ed by M. Sarah Klise
Fei­wel & Friends, 2017
ages 3 and up

Eli the dog has been with Astrid since her par­ents brought her home from the hos­pi­tal as a baby. Now Astrid is get­ting old­er, and so is Eli. Before he slows down too much, Astrid wants to make fun mem­o­ries with him. So she makes a buck­et list for Eli, which includes expe­ri­ences such as eat­ing with him in a restau­rant, and tak­ing him down a slide at the play­ground. But in the end, what is most impor­tant to Eli is the time he spends with Astrid, whom he loves dearly.

A Summer to Die

A Sum­mer to Die
writ­ten by Lois Lowry
Houghton Mif­flin Har­court, 1977

Meg isn’t thrilled when she gets stuck shar­ing a bed­room with her old­er sis­ter Mol­ly. The two of them could­n’t be more dif­fer­ent, and it’s hard for Meg to hide her resent­ment of Mol­ly’s beau­ty and easy pop­u­lar­i­ty. But Mol­ly’s con­stant grouch­i­ness, chang­ing appear­ance, and oth­er com­plaints are not just part of being moody. The day Mol­ly is rushed to the hos­pi­tal, Meg has to accept that there is some­thing ter­ri­bly wrong with her sis­ter. That’s the day Meg’s world changes for­ev­er. Is it too late for Meg to show how she real­ly feels?

Tear Soup

Tear Soup: a Recipe for Heal­ing After Loss
writ­ten by Pat Schweib­ert and Chuck DeK­lyen
illus by Tay­lor Bills
Grief Watch, 2005

An inspi­ra­tional book of wis­dom about liv­ing and grow­ing with grief. After expe­ri­enc­ing loss, tears are a part of life, some­times for months and some­times for years. This book is meant to bring com­fort for ages 12 through adult. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed by edu­ca­tors, librar­i­ans, and par­ents for griev­ing children.

The Tenth Good Thing about Barney

The Tenth Good Thing about Bar­ney
writ­ten by Judith Viorst, illus by Erik Bleg­vad
Atheneum, 1987

My cat Bar­ney died this Fri­day. I was very sad. My moth­er said we could have a funer­al for him, and I should think of ten good things about Bar­ney so I could tell them…” But the small boy who loved Bar­ney can only think of nine. Lat­er, while talk­ing with his father, he dis­cov­ers the tenth — and begins to understand.

The Thing About Jellyfish

The Thing About Jel­ly­fish
writ­ten by Ali Ben­jamin
Lit­tle, Brown, 2015

Every­one says that it was an acci­dent, that some­times things “just hap­pen.” But Suzy won’t believe it. Ever. After her best friend dies in a drown­ing acci­dent, Suzy is con­vinced that the true cause of the tragedy was a rare jel­ly­fish sting. Retreat­ing into a silent world of imag­i­na­tion, she crafts a plan to prove her the­o­ry — even if it means trav­el­ing the globe, alone. Suzy’s aching­ly heart­felt jour­ney explores life, death, the aston­ish­ing won­der of the uni­verse — and the poten­tial for love and hope right next door.

Tuck Everlasting

Tuck Ever­last­ing
writ­ten by Natal­ie Bab­bitt
Rine­hart and Win­ston, 1999

The Tuck fam­i­ly is con­front­ed with an ago­niz­ing sit­u­a­tion when they dis­cov­er that a ten-year-old girl and a mali­cious stranger now share their secret about a spring whose water pre­vents one from ever grow­ing old­er. A clas­sic sto­ry, this book is much dis­cussed in homes and class­rooms, from ages 10 and up through adult. It’s a sto­ry so well told that you can’t help con­sid­er­ing the big questions.

Walking Grandma Home

Walk­ing Grand­ma Home
writ­ten by Nan­cy Bo Flood, illus by Ellen Shi
Zon­derkidz, 2023

When Grand­ma tells Lee she will soon be “going home,” Lee is con­fused. Isn’t Grand­ma already home? But as Grandma’s health gets worse and her death approach­es, Lee learns what it means to “walk Grand­ma home” to heav­en, while also reflect­ing on his good mem­o­ries and deal­ing with his grief along­side his extend­ed family.

What is Goodbye?

What is Good­bye?
writ­ten by Nik­ki Grimes, illus by Raúl Colón
Dis­ney-Hype­r­i­on, 2004

This is the book I rec­om­mend most often for chil­dren ages 9 through adult. Jer­i­lyn and Jesse have lost their beloved old­er broth­er. Each of them deals with Jaron’s death dif­fer­ent­ly. Jer­i­lyn tries to keep it in and hold it togeth­er; Jesse acts out. But after a year of anger, pain, and guilt, they come to under­stand that it’s time to move on. It’s time for a new fam­i­ly pic­ture — with one piece miss­ing, yet whole again. Through the alter­nat­ing voic­es of a broth­er and sis­ter, Nik­ki Grimes elo­quent­ly por­trays the griev­ing process in this gem of a book that is hon­est, pow­er­ful, and ulti­mate­ly hopeful.

What on Earth Do You Do When Someone Dies?

What on Earth Do You Do When Some­one Dies?
writ­ten by Trevor Romain, illus by Gab­by Grant
Free Spir­it Pub­lish­ing, sec­ond edi­tion, 2023

This book speaks direct­ly to kids about what death means and how to cope. The book explores the ques­tions kids have about death ― Why? How? What next? Is it my fault? What’s a funer­al? ― in basic, straight­for­ward terms. Also described and dis­cussed are the over­whelm­ing emo­tions involved in griev­ing: sad­ness, fear, anger, and guilt. The book offers prac­ti­cal strate­gies for cop­ing with those emo­tions and sug­gests mean­ing­ful ways to remem­ber and hon­or the per­son who has died.
When author Trevor Romain’s father died, Trevor didn’t know what to feel, say, or do. Shocked, sad­dened, and con­fused, all he could say was … wow. As he start­ed under­stand­ing what had hap­pened, he began writ­ing about his expe­ri­ences and feel­ings. What on Earth Do You Do When Some­one Dies? ― sim­ple, insight­ful, and straight from the heart ― is for any child who has lost a loved one or oth­er spe­cial person.

When Dinosaurs Die

When Dinosaurs Die: a Guide to Under­stand­ing Death
writ­ten by Lau­rie Kras­ny Brown, illus by Marc Brown
Lit­tle Brown, 1998

No one can real­ly under­stand death, but to chil­dren, the pass­ing away of a loved one can be espe­cial­ly per­plex­ing and trou­ble­some. This is true whether the loss is a class­mate, friend, fam­i­ly mem­ber, or pet. In this book, wis­dom is shared by dinosaurs, pro­vid­ing answers to kids’ most-often-asked ques­tions, explor­ing the feel­ings we may have regard­ing the death of a loved one, and the ways to remem­ber some­one after he or she has died.

When Di

Where the Red Fern Grows
writ­ten by Wil­son Rawls
Dou­ble­day, 1961

Bil­ly Cole­man dreams of own­ing not one, but two, dogs. So when he’s final­ly able to save up enough mon­ey for two pups to call his own — Old Dan and Lit­tle Ann — he’s ecsta­t­ic. It doesn’t mat­ter that times are tough; togeth­er they’ll roam the hills of the Ozarks. Soon Bil­ly and his hounds become the finest hunt­ing team in the val­ley. Sto­ries of their great achieve­ments spread through­out the region, and the com­bi­na­tion of Old Dan’s brawn, Lit­tle Ann’s brains, and Billy’s sheer will seems unbeat­able. But tragedy awaits these deter­mined hunters — now friends — and Bil­ly learns that hope can grow out of despair, and that the seeds of the future can come from the scars of the past.


writ­ten by Paul Fleis­chman
Hen­ry Holt, 1998

When Brent Bish­op is out­raged at a high school par­ty, he dri­ves away hurt, furi­ous, and out of con­trol. He dri­ves reck­less­ly, deter­mined to kill him­self, but kills a girl instead, a high school senior with a bright future. Filled with guilt, Brent wants to make resti­tu­tion. The girl’s moth­er asks him to cre­ate whirligigs and set them up in the four cor­ners of the Unit­ed States. We fol­low Brent on his jour­ney, meet­ing the peo­ple whose lives he affects and who change his life.

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7 years ago

Great list. I would add Bad­ger’s Part­ing Gifts by Susan Varley.

6 years ago

And Eri­ca Per­l’s ALL THREE STOOGES. Heart­break­ing but also humorous.

Joanne Linden
Joanne Linden
6 years ago

Won­der­ful list! Thank you

Carmela McCain Simmons
Carmela McCain Simmons
6 years ago

May I rec­om­mend New­bery Medal win­ning author Patri­cia MacLaugh­lin’s 2018 mid­dle grade nov­el My Father’s Words be added to this list?

Susan Oleanna
Susan Oleanna
4 years ago

Anoth­er pic­ture book I like is City Dog, Coun­try Frog by Mo Willems
And the nov­el Line Ten­der by Allen Kate

Patricia A Bauer
Patricia A Bauer
4 years ago

Great list! Thanks, Vic­ki! I’ve also used “The Tenth Good Thing About Bar­ney” by Judith Viorst, many times. It works so well to have kids write lists of things that they loved about the ani­mal or per­son who died.

2 years ago

This is a won­der­ful, inclu­sive list. I’d add the very mov­ing, very uplift­ing pic­ture book, Big Cat, Lit­tle Cat, by Elisha Cooper.

Susan Oleanna
Susan Oleanna
3 months ago

What a help­ful list!
more suggestions:
The nat­ur­al rev­er­ence of young chil­dren’s brief cer­e­mo­ni­al obser­vance in Mar­garet Wise Brown’s The Dead Bird, espe­cial­ly the orig­i­nal edi­tion with Remy Char­lip’s illus­tra­tions, is many decades old but still timeless.

Life Is Like the Wind by Innes Shona helps very young chil­dren understand.

What On Earth Do You Do When Some­one Dies? 2nd ed By Trevor Romain Sol­id info and pos­si­bly com­fort for school age kids.