Community Building: Novels

This book list began with Book by Book: An Anno­tat­ed Guide to Young Peo­ple’s Lit­er­a­ture with Peace­mak­ing and Con­flict Res­o­lu­tion Themes, pre­pared by Car­ol Spiegel and pub­lished by Edu­ca­tors for Social Respon­si­bil­i­ty (Cam­bridge, MA) in 2010. That infor­ma­tion is shared with the author’s and pub­lish­er’s per­mis­sion. We have added more recent­ly pub­lished books. You will find clas­sics and new­er books among the recommendations.

Because of Winn-Dix­ie
Kate DiCamil­lo
Can­dlewick Press, 2000

One summer’s day, ten-year-old India Opal Buloni goes down to the local super­mar­ket for some gro­ceries — and comes home with a dog. But Winn-Dix­ie is no ordi­nary dog. It’s because of Winn-Dix­ie that Opal begins to make friends. And it’s because of Winn-Dix­ie that she final­ly dares to ask her father about her moth­er, who left when Opal was three. In fact, as Opal admits, just about every­thing that hap­pens that sum­mer is because of Winn-Dixie.

Busy­body Nora
Joan­na Hur­witz
illus by Deb­bie Tilley,
Harper­Collins, 2001

What is your name?”

That’s what Nora asks her neigh­bors as she rides up and down the ele­va­tor of her apart­ment house. She does­n’t mean to be a busy­body. She just wants to be like door­man Hen­ry and know all the peo­ple in her build­ing — all 200 of them! And then one day Nora gets a great idea: they’ll have a giant par­ty, for every­one in the building!

Char­lie’s Raven
Jean Craig­head George
Dut­ton, 2004

Char­lie brings home Blue Sky, a baby raven with a big per­son­al­i­ty. Blue Sky imprints on Char­lie and becomes a great friend and a source of amaze­ment to the whole fam­i­ly. Grand­dad, an old nat­u­ral­ist, is intrigued, and he does seem to get bet­ter — at least for a while. But car­ing for a wild crea­ture is very demand­ing, and as Blue Sky grows, Char­lie must find a way to pro­tect him from the many dan­gers — both nat­ur­al and human-made — in the rugged Teton Moun­tains where they live.

The Great Gilly Hop­kins
Kather­ine Pater­son
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, Harper­Collins, 1978

Eleven-year-old Gilly has been stuck in more fos­ter fam­i­lies than she can remem­ber, and she’s hat­ed them all. She has a rep­u­ta­tion for being brash, bril­liant, and com­plete­ly unman­age­able, and that’s the way she likes it. So when she’s sent to live with the Trot­ters — by far the strangest fam­i­ly yet — she knows it’s only a tem­po­rary prob­lem. Gilly decides to put her sharp mind to work and get out of there fast. She’s deter­mined to no longer be a fos­ter kid. Before long she’s devised an elab­o­rate scheme to get her real moth­er to come res­cue her. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the plan does­n’t work out quite as she hoped it would …

The Hero of Third Grade
Alice DeLaCroix
illus by Cyn­thia Fish­er
Hol­i­day House, 2002

After his par­ents sep­a­rate, Ran­dall is forced to move to a new town and start a new school, and, deter­mined to make friends, he devis­es a clever scheme to become the hero of third grade after watch­ing the movie The Scar­let Pim­per­nel.

Hope Was Here
Joan Bauer
Scholas­tic, 2001

When Hope and her aunt move to small-town Wis­con­sin to take over the local din­er, Hope’s not sure what to expect. But what they find is that the own­er, G.T., isn’t quite ready to give up yet — in fact, he’s decid­ed to run for may­or against a cor­rupt can­di­date. And as Hope starts to make her place at the din­er, she also finds her­self caught up in G.T.‘s cam­paign — par­tic­u­lar­ly his visions for the future. After all, as G.T. points out, every­one can use a lit­tle hope to help get through the tough times … even Hope herself.

Juneber­ry Blue
Can­dice Ran­som
Peachtree, 2024

Eleven-year-old Andie Jen­nings, of Morn­ing Glo­ry, Vir­ginia (pop­u­la­tion: 8), is set to inher­it her fam­i­ly’s mag­ic on Mid­sum­mer’s Eve. And Andie plans to use it to bring her dad home for good from his long-haul truck­ing job. Except her gift doesn’t come. But when a see-through cat starts fol­low­ing her, Andie real­izes she did­n’t fail to get her mag­ic at all. Her gift just isn’t what any­one expect­ed. Turns out, her new abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with ghosts may help her solve a mys­tery in Morn­ing Glo­ry and final­ly bring about some much-need­ed change — for the town and for her family.

Cyn­thia Kado­ha­ta
Atheneum, 2004

Kira-kira means glit­ter­ing and that’s how Katie Takeshi­ma’s sis­ter, Lynn, makes every­thing seem. The sky is kira-kira because its col­or is deep but see-through at the same time. The sea is kira-kira for the same rea­son. And so are peo­ple’s eyes. When Katie and her fam­i­ly move from a Japan­ese com­mu­ni­ty in Iowa to the Deep South of Geor­gia, it’s Lynn who explains to her why peo­ple stop them on the street to stare. And it’s Lynn who, with her spe­cial way of view­ing the world, teach­es Katie to look beyond tomor­row. But when Lynn becomes des­per­ate­ly ill, and the whole fam­i­ly begins to fall apart, it is up to Katie to find a way to remind them all that there is always some­thing glit­ter­ing — kira-kira — in the future.

The Labors of Her­cules Beal
Gary D. Schmidt
Clar­i­on, 2023

Herc Beal knows who he’s named after — a myth­i­cal hero — but he’s no super­hero. He’s the small­est kid in his class. So when his home­room teacher at his new mid­dle school gives him the assign­ment of dupli­cat­ing the myth­i­cal Her­cules’s amaz­ing feats in real life, he’s skep­ti­cal. After all, there are no Nemean Lions on Cape Cod — and not a sin­gle Hydra in sight.

Miss­ing his par­ents ter­ri­bly and wish­ing his old­er broth­er was­n’t work­ing all the time, Herc fig­ures out how to take his first steps along the road that the great Her­cules him­self once walked. Soon, new friends, human and ani­mal, are help­ing him. And though his myth­i­cal role mod­el per­formed his twelve labors by him­self, Herc begins to see that he may not have to go it alone.

Maizy Chen’s Last Chance
Lisa Yee
Ran­dom House, 2022

Maizy has nev­er been to Last Chance, Min­neso­ta … until now. Her mom’s plan is just to stay for a cou­ple weeks, until her grand­fa­ther gets bet­ter. But plans change, and as Maizy spends more time in Last Chance and at the Gold­en Palace — the restau­rant that’s been in her fam­i­ly for gen­er­a­tions — she makes some dis­cov­er­ies. The Gold­en Palace has secrets … The more Maizy dis­cov­ers, the more ques­tions she has. Like, why are her mom and her grand­moth­er always fight­ing? Who are the peo­ple in the pho­tographs on the office wall? And when she dis­cov­ers that a beloved fam­i­ly trea­sure has gone miss­ing — and some­one has left a racist note — Maizy decides it’s time to find the answers.

Miss­ing May
Cyn­thia Rylant
Scholas­tic, 2004

Ever since May, Sum­mer’s aunt and good-as-a-moth­er for the past six years, died in the gar­den among her pole beans and car­rots, life for Sum­mer and her Uncle Ob has been as bleak as win­ter. Ob does­n’t want to cre­ate his beau­ti­ful whirligigs any­more, and he and Sum­mer have slipped into a sad­ness that they can’t shake off. They need May in what­ev­er form they can have her — a mes­sage, a whis­per, a sign that will tell them what to do next. When that sign comes, Sum­mer dis­cov­ers that she and Ob can keep miss­ing May but still go on with their lives.A beloved clas­sic about grief, gar­dens, and the endur­ing love of family.

Rick­shaw Girl
Mitali Perkins
illus by Jamie Hogan
Charles­bridge, 2007

Naima is a tal­ent­ed painter of tra­di­tion­al alpana pat­terns, which Bangladeshi women and girls paint on their hous­es for spe­cial cel­e­bra­tions. But Naima is not sat­is­fied just paint­ing alpana. She wants to help earn mon­ey for her fam­i­ly, like her best friend, Saleem, does for his fam­i­ly. When Naima’s rash effort to help puts her fam­i­ly deep­er in debt, she draws on her resource­ful nature and her tal­ents to brave­ly save the day.

Sami­ra Surfs
Rukhsan­na Guidroz
illus by Fah­mi­da Azim
Kok­i­la, 2021

Sami­ra thinks of her life as before and after: before the burn­ing and vio­lence in her vil­lage in Bur­ma, when she and her best friend would play in the fields, and after, when her fam­i­ly was forced to flee. There’s before the uncer­tain jour­ney to Bangladesh by riv­er, and after, when the riv­er swal­lowed her nana and nani whole. And now, months after rebuild­ing a life in Bangladesh with her mama, baba, and broth­er, there’s before Sami­ra saw the Ben­gali surfer girls of Cox’s Bazar, and after, when she decides she’ll become one.

Paul Fleis­chman
Harper­Collins, 1997

A Viet­namese girl plants six lima beans in a Cleve­land vacant lot. Look­ing down on the immi­grant-filled neigh­bor­hood, a Roman­ian woman watch­es sus­pi­cious­ly. A school jan­i­tor gets involved, then a Guatemalan fam­i­ly. Then mus­cle-bound Cur­tis, try­ing to win back Latee­sha. Preg­nant Maricela. Amir from India. A sense of com­mu­ni­ty sprouts and spreads. The author uses thir­teen speak­ers to bring to life a com­mu­ni­ty gar­den’s found­ing and first year. The book’s short length, diverse cast, and suit­abil­i­ty for adults as well as chil­dren have led it to be used in count­less one-book reads in schools and in cities across the country.

Simon Sort of Says
Erin Bow
Dis­ney Hype­r­i­on, 2023

Simon O’Keeffe’s biggest claim to fame should be the time his dad acci­den­tal­ly gave a squir­rel a holy sacra­ment. Or maybe the alpaca dis­as­ter that went viral on YouTube. But the sto­ry the whole world wants to tell about Simon is the one he’d do any­thing to for­get: the one star­ring Simon as a famous sur­vivor of gun vio­lence at school.

Two years after the infa­mous event, twelve-year-old Simon and his fam­i­ly move to the Nation­al Qui­et Zone — the only place in Amer­i­ca where the inter­net is banned. Instead of talk­ing about Simon, the astronomers who flock to the area are busy lis­ten­ing for signs of life in space. And when Simon makes a friend who’s deter­mined to give the sci­en­tists what they’re look­ing for, he’ll final­ly have the chance to spin a new sto­ry for the world to tell.

The Wheel on the School
Mein­dert deJong
illus by Mau­rice Sendak
Harper­Collins, 1954

Why do the storks no longer come to the lit­tle Dutch fish­ing vil­lage of Sho­ra to nest? It was Lina, one of the six school­child­ren who first asked the ques­tion, and she set the oth­ers to won­der­ing. And some­times when you begin to won­der, you begin to make things hap­pen. So the chil­dren set out to bring the storks back to Sho­ra. The force of their vision put the whole vil­lage to work until at last the dream began to come true.

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