Page Break

Lynne Jonell

I Have Some Bad News 

In which the author must call her edi­tor to let her know she can’t meet the deadline.

Lynne Jonell

The Contract, It Arrives!! 

In which the author Lynne Jonell con­tem­plates the real mean­ing of a con­tract to write and com­plete a book.

Lynne Jonell

My Greatest Responsibility 

Lynne Jonell is feel­ing respon­si­ble. “The sto­ry comes timid­ly, like an orphan clad in rags, half seen in the shadows.”

Lynne Jonell

Not One But Four! 

I’m writ­ing a time trav­el nov­el, but, oh, the research!

Lynne Jonell

Big and Blank 

Begin­ning a new chap­ter. The page is BIG and BLANK. I know where my char­ac­ters are but I don’t have the faintest idea what is going to hap­pen next.

Lynne Jonell

The Weasel Whisperer 

Some writ­ers have a muse. What is not so com­mon­ly known is that all writ­ers have an anti-muse. I call mine “The Weasel.”

Lynne Jonell

Life does not stop … 

An elder­ly rel­a­tive has demen­tia. Car­ing for her has left me drained. I try to write but can’t …

Lynne Jonell

Interpersonal Relationships! 

Of course you go on vaca­tion to see fam­i­ly and friends, but if you are also try­ing to write, it means a cer­tain amount of sneak­ing off.

Lynne Jonell

A Bit of Noise 

I real­ly do like the cof­fee shop for writ­ing. That lit­tle bit of noise and move­ment takes up just a lit­tle of my attention …

Lynne Jonell

Must. Get. Out. 

Third rainy day in a row … out­side the Ivory Tower.

Lynne Jonell

Does Research Count? 

Lots of peo­ple ask me for advice on writ­ing.That’s a hard one to answer. Writ­ing is per­son­al, and it’s dif­fer­ent for every­one. But peo­ple are curi­ous about my process, the dai­ly prac­tice of my craft.They think that hear­ing about my process might help them in their own work. Maybe it will. At any rate, it is a question

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