Advertising Terms & Conditions

Via our free online mag­a­zine, Bookol­o­gy, Wind­ing Oak is pleased to offer adver­tis­ing to a ver­ti­cal mar­ket of children’s lit­er­a­ture pro­fes­sion­als and enthu­si­asts through­out the world, includ­ing edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions, trade pub­lish­ers and dis­trib­u­tors, sup­pli­ers, events and con­fer­ences, authors and illus­tra­tors of trade books, and book­stores. At this time, we are not accept­ing ads for inde­pen­dent­ly pub­lished books.

How to place an ad:

Fill out our Ad Request Form or con­tact our adver­tis­ing man­ag­er, Steve Palmquist, at [email protected].

Ads may include a link and an image. Images should be sent in jpg, gif, or png for­mat saved at 72 dpi.

Pay­ment is required before the ad will begin run­ning (payable by check or cred­it card).

Mul­ti­ple ads run­ning dur­ing one month are accept­able. Con­tact Steve for pricing.

Indi­cate if you will also require design ser­vices. Requests for design must be made at least two weeks in advance of sched­uled appear­ance so you have time for approval.

Deadline for ad submittal:

5 pm CST, four­teen (14) days before sched­uled appear­ance online.

Types of ads:

To hon­or our web­site vis­i­tors, we request that all advertising:

  • per­tain to children’s books, whether it’s about a par­tic­u­lar book, an event, an orga­ni­za­tion relat­ed to books or lit­er­a­cy, an author or illus­tra­tor, a dis­trib­u­tor, a book­store, a based-on-the-book movie or play, a ser­vice of inter­est to our audi­ence, as well as those who pro­duce prod­ucts to assist librar­i­ans and edu­ca­tors work­ing with books and reading
  • refrain from blink­ing, flash­ing, jump­ing, trav­el­ing across the page, play­ing music or sound, or oth­er­wise annoy­ing our site visitors
  • be appro­pri­ate for view­ing by young children
  • not pro­mote acts of abuse, vio­lence, or war; con­tain no profanity

Adver­tis­ing is accept­ed sub­ject to approval by Wind­ing Oak, which reserves the right to decline or can­cel any adver­tise­ment at any time.

The Legal Stuff:

In the event an adver­tise­ment inad­ver­tent­ly con­tains a sub­stan­tive error or omis­sion that is Wind­ing Oak’s respon­si­bil­i­ty, adver­tis­er will not be charged the cost of the ad for one month. If the error is non-sub­stan­tive and Wind­ing Oak fix­es it with­in 24 hours, there will be no cred­it giv­en for the cost of the ad.

Wind­ing Oak is not liable for errors in adver­tis­ing copy, con­tent, or graph­ics sup­plied by the adver­tis­er. We will work to quick­ly re-post the new ad sup­plied by the advertiser.

If adver­tis­er can­cels ad before ad is post­ed online, adver­tis­er may qual­i­fy for a pro-rat­ed refund sent with­in 60 days.

If adver­tis­er can­cels the ad after the ad is post­ed online, the ad can be removed but there will be no refund.

Invoic­es will be sent via PDF by e‑mail unless a hard copy is request­ed and a postal address is provided.

[but­ton link=”/advertise/” color=“orange”]Back to the Adver­tis­ing Portal[/button]

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