Steve’s Spaghetti Sauce

In Leroy Ninker Sad­dles Up Maybelline’s favorite food is spaghet­ti. Here we share our best recipe for a savory sauce to top any pas­ta. Serves four (or one hun­gry horse).

Steve’s Spaghetti Sauce

The secret of this savory spaghet­ti sauce is the pepperoni.
Prep Time15 min­utes
Cook Time30 min­utes
Total Time45 min­utes
Serv­ings: 4
Author: Steven Palmquist


  • 1 15- oz can toma­to sauce
  • 1 6- oz can toma­to paste
  • ¼ cup sher­ry or white wine
  • 1 tsp beef stock con­cen­trate such as Bet­ter Than Bouillon®
  • 7 oz 12 pkg turkey pep­per­oni or regular
  • 2 tsp gar­lic salt
  • 1 Tbsp dried pars­ley
  • 1 tsp dried oregano
  • 1 tsp dried basil


  • Using a microwave-safe plate, arrange 7 oz. (approx. 30 pieces) of pep­per­oni (or what­ev­er quan­ti­ty will fit on plate with­out much over­lap­ping) on top of two lay­ers of paper tow­els. Microwave at full pow­er for 4 to 5 min­utes, watch­ing to make sure the pep­per­oni does­n’t burn.
  • Remove pep­per­oni from plate and allow 10 min­utes to cool, then pul­ver­ize in food mill or fine­ly chop.
  • Place all ingre­di­ents in a Dutch oven or saucepan.
  • Bring to a boil, then low­er the heat and sim­mer for 30 min­utes, covered.
  • Fin­ish this sauce off by sim­mer­ing meat­balls or ground beef in it, then serv­ing over pas­ta, top­ping off with fresh­ly grat­ed Parme­sano Reg­giano cheese.
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Norma Gaffron
Norma Gaffron
9 years ago

Steve, just read­ing your recipe made me hungry.

Do you and Vic­ki have an email address that I may use rather than going through Bookology?
I don’t like to lose track of you two.
Nor­ma Gaffron

Emilie Buchwald
Reply to  Norma Gaffron
9 years ago

I nev­er knew about the pepperoni!