Page Break

Lynne Jonell

A Long-Term Slog 

There is noth­ing, noth­ing, NOTHING so cru­cial for suc­cess as a writer as being able to sus­tain a long-term SLOG.

Lynne Jonell

Being Your Own Boss 

When you’re a writer, you have the career bonus of being your own boss … except …

Lynne Jonell

Revisions Part IV 

My edi­tor sug­gests that I cut one char­ac­ter out completely.

Lynne Jonell

Big Surprise! 

Ear­ly in my career, once I got the revi­sion let­ter, it would take me 3 MONTHS to move from fury to con­fu­sion to hope (and, final­ly, to revision).

Lynne Jonell

Revision Letter 

At long last, the revi­sion let­ter arrives! Lynne Jonell reflects on this part of the pub­li­ca­tion process.

Lynne Jonell


After a sum­mer hia­tus, author and illus­tra­tor Lynne Jonell is back with Page Break and she’s con­tem­plat­ing roadblocks.

Lynne Jonell

A Paralyzing Lethargy 

When Lynne Jonell fin­ish­es a book, her reac­tion takes her by sur­prise .… every time.

Lynne Jonell

Convincing Details! 

In a fan­ta­sy, the writer builds a world. It has new rules …

Lynne Jonell

Miles to Go 

Yep, I’ve com­plet­ed the FIRST DRAFT, but the book isn’t done YET; there are miles to go before I sleep.

Lynne Jonell

The End 

It is hard to express what this moment means.

Lynne Jonell


The book is chug­ging along. Some­thing hap­pens when I get close to the end …

Lynne Jonell


Writ­ing a sto­ry is a lit­tle like start­ing up a train …

Lynne Jonell

Coffee Will Be My Downfall 

Have you found your­self in one of these life-alter­ing moments? Lynne Jonell shares her anguish.

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