Bookstorm: Scaly Spotted …

Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled
In this Bookstorm™: Scaly Spotted
Feathered Frilled:
how do we know what dinosaurs really looked like?
writ­ten by Cather­ine Thimmesh
HMH Books for Young Read­ers, 2013
No human being has ever seen a tricer­atops or veloci­rap­tor or even the mighty Tyran­nosaurus rex. They left behind only their impres­sive bones. So how can sci­en­tists know what col­or dinosaurs were? Or if their flesh was scaly or feath­ered?… more

Authors Emeritus: Syd Hoff

author photo
His illus­tra­tions best char­ac­ter­ized as sim­plis­tic and humor­ous, Syd Hoff has held a warm place in children’s hearts through more than 200 books. Born on Sep­tem­ber 4th, Syd Hoff grew up in New York City. He went to the Nation­al Acad­e­my of Design as a fine arts stu­dent, but his teach­ers didn’t appre­ci­ate the humor that per­vad­ed his work.… more