writing games
The Finish Line
Nothing is a bigger thrill for the young writers I mentor than what we have come to call their “publication parties.”
Signs, Signs, Everywhere There’s Signs
When I was a young teenager my family made a road trip from Minnesota to Texas to visit my father’s parents. The long trip south mostly featured one kind of civil war: the endless bickering of my two brothers and the male cousin who’d come along for the ride. For the trip back north, I staked out a hidey-hole in the far back of the station wagon and crammed myself in amongst the luggage, still-wet-from-the-hotel-pool swimsuits, and snack foods.… more
That’s How I Roll
As a kid I was the one who instigated a lot of the fun. It might be playing pirates in the tree house, or cops and robbers in my mom’s parked station wagon, or spies who wrote secret code in lemon juice (later revealing the message by holding it over the toaster). Often our make believe reflected whatever section of the library I happened to be working my way through at the time.… more