Recent Articles

Hot Air Marjorie Priceman
Four Calde­cott Award books cel­e­brate the exhil­a­ra­tion of flight, with two jour­neys inspired by his­to­ry and two by imagination.
Tag, You’re It! (Part 5)
Once your sto­ry is on its way to becom­ing a book … this arti­cle will focus on the pub­lish­ing steps of a children’s book from the author’s perspective.
Our Beautiful Homelands
Our Beau­ti­ful Homelands
There are those among us who are doing vital­ly impor­tant work. Mer­na Ann Hecht is a bright light among those wonder-workers.
Farmer Eva's Green Garden Life
Com­mu­ni­ty Build­ing: Pic­ture Books
a book­list fea­tur­ing pic­ture books that relate sto­ries of peace through com­mu­ni­ty building
Simon Sort of Says Erin Bow
Com­mu­ni­ty Build­ing: Novels
In this book­list, we rec­om­mend nov­els for ages 9 to adult that tell sto­ries of char­ac­ters who build a car­ing com­mu­ni­ty around them.
Kamau and Zuzu Find a Way
Seeds of Hope
As we enter the dark time of year and who knows what oth­er kinds of dark times we may be fac­ing, we are look­ing for sto­ries of hope — and find­ing them.
I Once Had My Own Lit­er­a­cy Program
As I tied the rib­bon into a bow, I remem­bered that many years ago I launched my own “books in the class­room, books in the home” lit­er­a­cy program. 
Tor­rey Maldonado
Here’s a let­ter from my heart to some­one who helped inspire what’s at the heart of my writ­ing and teach­ing, and what’s at the heart of books I hold close.
Men­tal Health in Chil­dren’s Literature
Authors Dr. Nan­cy Bo Flood and Ann Jacobus have been curat­ing a list of tra­di­tion­al­ly pub­lished, excep­tion­al children’s lit­er­a­ture that tack­les men­tal ill­ness for over a decade.
The Forever Sky
Death and Grief
For those who are mourn­ing the loss of a rel­a­tive, a pet, a friend, a teacher, these books for young and old are rec­om­mend­ed by our subscribers.
Sylvia Doe and the 100-Year Flood
Floods and Hurricanes
With recent hur­ri­canes and flood­ing so much in the news and a part of con­ver­sa­tions, we’ve pulled togeth­er a group of books that will help those who learn from fic­tion, non­fic­tion, and poetry.
A Mischief of Mice
A Mis­chief of Mice
Adults should get some­thing from sto­ry­time, too. I read a book that’s maybe more for them than the kids — it’s extra spe­cial when there’s a book like this that is fas­ci­nat­ing for these wee ones and their adults.
Evidence How Dr. John Snow Solved the Mystery of Cholera
Let’s Offer Read­ers a His­to­ry Buffet
There are, of course, a myr­i­ad of pos­si­bil­i­ties for your his­to­ry buf­fet: mix and match mid­dle grade fic­tion, long form non­fic­tion, pic­ture books, both non­fic­tion and infor­ma­tion­al fic­tion, art­work, film, and muse­um websites.
We Miss You, George Floyd by Shannon Gibney
We Miss You, George Floyd
Our democ­ra­cy asks that every cit­i­zen has the right to life. This pic­ture-book trib­ute to George Floyd is elo­quent and pow­er­ful in its sim­plic­i­ty. The words flow like a song.

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