Winter Books

Hap­py New Year!

This Red Read­ing Boots lady is just back from a glo­ri­ous ten days in Hawaii. My whole fam­i­ly went — three gen­er­a­tions, six­teen of us in all — includ­ing sev­en ecsta­t­ic cousins (and anoth­er in-law-to-be cousin made offi­cial while we were there!), two intre­pid grand­par­ents, and then the mid­dle gen­er­a­tion, of which I am a part. It was fan­tas­tic! We are so not a fam­i­ly who trav­els to Hawaii for Christ­mas, so I think we were all sort of astound­ed it actu­al­ly hap­pened! Hard­ly knew how to behave ….

As I lay on the beach on Christ­mas (I know!) I thought about win­ter. All of us enjoyed the sun and the ocean and the palm trees, of course, but sev­er­al in our old­er two gen­er­a­tions are real­ly tired of win­ter as we expe­ri­ence it in Min­neso­ta, Wis­con­sin, and Mon­tana. They were espe­cial­ly excit­ed to be in the warm sun.

On the Beach

I actu­al­ly love a good win­ter, which so far we’ve not had in our Min­neso­ta neck of the woods … but I digress. For me, the win­ter hol­i­days have snow and ice, glim­mer and shim­mer, and squeaky and muf­fled foot­steps in the snow. It was very strange, though cer­tain­ly enjoy­able, to be on the beach in the heat and bright sun, with the shift­ing blue and turquoise water, and the sand between our toes (and every­where else!).

Which made me think about my Win­ter Sto­ry­times, which I planned in Novem­ber. December’s sto­ries were most­ly about Christ­mas and Hanukkah and the Sol­stice. January’s are entire­ly about snow. But as I write this, we A) yet to have any snow here in the Twin Cities, and B) not every­one has snow at Christ­mas! How snow-cen­tric could I pos­si­bly be?!

But there are such love­ly pic­ture books about snow. Won­der­ful clas­sics like The Snowy Day and The Mit­ten. Ter­rif­ic kid-friend­ly books like Frog­gy Gets Dressed with its won­der­ful sound effects of get­ting dressed to play in the snow. Qui­et books like Win­ter Is Here that cel­e­brate the joy­ful sounds and sights of a snowy winter.

The Snowy Day
The Mitten
Froggy Gets Dressed

I have picked out a month’s worth of snowy books for the long win­tery month of Jan­u­ary. But I’m sec­ond guess­ing it now. Must our sto­ry­time be so snowy? What if it doesn’t snow all of Jan­u­ary?! We will all need a sun­ny sandy break, I think, even those of us who are lovers of a north­ern win­ter of snow and ice.

Winter is Here
The Sandcastle that Lola Built
Who's Hiding at the Beach?
Here Comes Ocean

So I’m think­ing The Sand­cas­tle that Lola Built and Who’s Hid­ing at the Beach? Maybe Here Comes Ocean and The Seashore Book, as well. I think we’ll sing “The Waves at the Beach” (to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”) along with a reprise of “Jin­gle Bells,” because every­one loved singing that in Decem­ber. And I’ll def­i­nite­ly play my ukulele (bad­ly, but the kids love it) to bring in a cheer­ful island sort of vibe.

I won­der if Big Hill Books will let me bring in a small sand­box for the kiddos … ?

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