Notable Birds in Children’s Literature

Birdy, named Cather­ine, is in good com­pa­ny in the crowd­ed Aviary that is chil­dren’s literature. more

Catherine, Called Birdy Companion Booktalks

Aviary Wonders Inc. Spring Catalog and Instruction Manual
A baker’s dozen to get you start­ed on the April Book­storm™  books … Aviary Won­ders Inc. Spring Cat­a­log and Instruc­tion Man­u­al, Kate Sam­worth. Clar­i­on Books, 2014 Win­ner of the 2014 Kirkus Prize for Young Read­ers’ Literature Fan­tas­tic illus­tra­tions of fan­tas­ti­cal creatures Build your own birds!   Back­yard Birds by Karen Stray Nolt­ing, Jonathan Latimer, and Roger Tory Peter­son.… more