Mental Health: Character Mental Health: Middle Grade

Dad's Girlfriend and Other Anxieties
Middle grade readers will find windows and mirrors in these novels whose characters experience anxiety, phobias, depression, therapy, OCD, ADHD, or grief. This list, developed by Ann Jacobus and Nancy Bo Flood, provides good recommendations.

True Story

Candice Ransom
Recent­ly I attend­ed a writer’s con­fer­ence main­ly to hear one speak­er. His award-win­ning books remind me that the very best writ­ing is found in children’s lit­er­a­ture. When he deliv­ered the keynote, I jot­ted down bits of his sparkling wisdom. At one point he said that we live in a bro­ken world, but one that’s also filled with beau­ty. My pen slowed.… more