Poets and Picture Books

How to Write a Poem
Poets and picture book writers both know the weight of a word, the sound of a syllable, the turn of a line, and they both know that every word matters.

Jen Bryant

Jen Bryant
In this inter­view with Jen Bryant, author of A Riv­er of Words: The Sto­ry of William Car­los Williams, our Book­storm™ this month. Do you recall the first time you encountered a William Carlos Williams poem? I was in high school—and it was part of an anthology reading that we did for English class. I had disliked/not understood/ been unmoved by all of the other poems in this assigned reading (I recall that the language in those poems was archaic and flowery, and the forms very, VERY traditional)—and then—whooosh—like a breath of fresh air, here were a few selected W.… more

My Seneca Village

by Mar­sha Qualey My Seneca Vil­lage
by Mar­i­lyn Nel­son
Name­los, 2015 I’m going to begin with a dis­claimer that is also a bit o’ brag­ging. I’ve had the good for­tune to meet and work with Mar­i­lyn Nel­son (A Wreath for Emmett Till, Snook Alone, How I Dis­cov­ered Poet­ry). I’ve stayed up late and sipped wine and talked with her, spent a day escort­ing her to school vis­its where she wowed ele­men­tary stu­dents; she once supped at my table.

Catch You Later, Traitor Companion Booktalks

Fabulous Fashions cover
To get you start­ed on the Book­storm™ Books … 
  Amer­i­ca in the 1950s Edmund Lin­dop with Sarah Decapua
21st Cen­tu­ry Books, 2010 Top­ic-cen­tered chap­ters, e.g.: the tran­si­tion from WWII, the Kore­an War, the 50’s econ­o­my and soci­ety, the Red Scare Pho­to-illus­trat­ed Report mate­r­i­al galore, includ­ing sub­stan­tial back matter
  Bat 6 Vir­ginia Euw­er Wolff
Scholas­tic, 1998 In rur­al Ore­gon not long after WWII, the annu­al soft­ball game between 6th grade girls from two towns is a caul­dron of secrets, sim­mer­ing racism, class divide, hope and friendship.