Scary Short Story Collections and Novels for Middle Grade Readers

The Haunted States of America
While Halloween is just weeks away, scary stories are year-round favorites for many kids. Scary story collections and stand-alone novels often appear on the bestseller lists in kid-lit publishing.

The Odious Ogre

The Odious Ogre
I’m a big fan of Phan­tom Toll­booth by Nor­ton Juster, illus­trat­ed by Jules Feif­fer. I can remem­ber read­ing it as a kid and think­ing it both hilar­i­ous and clever. And I loved the words! So many words! So when the Juster-Feif­fer team came out with The Odi­ous Ogre a few years back, I leapt at it. A pic­ture book! A long pic­ture book! My favorite kind!… more