Scary Short Story Collections and Novels for Middle Grade Readers

The Haunted States of America
While Halloween is just weeks away, scary stories are year-round favorites for many kids. Scary story collections and stand-alone novels often appear on the bestseller lists in kid-lit publishing.

Elizabeth Verdick

Freddy the Detective
When I pic­ture myself as a kid, I think of my bed­room in our split-lev­el West Vir­ginia house, a room I loved but had to leave behind at age eleven when my fam­i­ly moved to Mary­land. For years, that room was my own lit­tle world, my book nook, my place to cud­dle my cat Rag, col­lect chi­na-cat fig­urines, and, yes, read books about cats.… more

Skinny Dip with Anne Ursu

Skinny Dipping
What keeps you up at night? My cats biting my feet. Describe  your favorite pair of pajamas ever A student got me sushi pajamas. What could be better? In what Olympic sport would you like to win a gold medal? Figure Skating. However, this is very unlikely. What’s the first book you remember reading? There’s a Monster at the End of this Book What TV show can’t you turn off?… more

Elizabeth Verdick: A Look at “Autism Fiction”

by Eliz­a­beth Verdick I spent the month of April read­ing children’s fic­tion fea­tur­ing char­ac­ters with Autism Spec­trum Dis­or­der (ASD). April was Autism Aware­ness Month, but that wasn’t my only moti­va­tion. I love children’s lit­er­a­ture, I have writ­ten non­fic­tion about ASD, and I’m rais­ing a son who’s on the autism spec­trum. I won­dered, Which mid­dle-grade sto­ries could I hand him, say­ing, “I think you’ll real­ly like this”?… more