Together from Afar

Indi­vid­u­al­ly, we are one drop. Togeth­er, we are an ocean.”

(Ryuno­suke Satoro)

Tis the sea­son to be…

It is hard to some­times under­stand how dif­fi­cult the hol­i­day sea­son will be this year. Although this is dif­fi­cult, tech­nol­o­gy has made it pos­si­ble for us all to con­nect and par­tic­i­pate in hol­i­day fun. For my arti­cle this month, I’ve list­ed activ­i­ties that you can pro­vide for fam­i­lies to do togeth­er dur­ing the hol­i­day breaks. Enjoy and thank you for all you do. 

Leaf Man illustration
Copy­right © Lois Ehlert, from Leaf Man, HMH, 2005

Around the Table Sto­ry­time: For this activ­i­ty, record a set of sto­ry­times for fam­i­lies to enjoy at the table togeth­er. Record a few sto­ries and pro­vide a few activ­i­ties around the sto­ries you read.  A few exam­ples of activ­i­ties include: ask­ing ques­tions about the sto­ry, include lyrics to a song or fin­ger play, or encour­ag­ing them to act out the story.

Vir­tu­al Trav­el­ing: For this activ­i­ty, encour­age fam­i­lies to go on a vir­tu­al field­trip. Some sug­ges­tions include:

Amer­i­can Muse­um of Nat­ur­al History

Met­ro­pol­i­tan Muse­um of Art

Smith­son­ian Muse­um of Nat­ur­al History

Here is a great web­site list­ing a vari­ety of vir­tu­al tours.

Sto­ry Starters: For this activ­i­ty, write down a vari­ety of sto­ry starter sen­tences. Some exam­ples include: “Once upon a time…”, “On this day a cel­e­bra­tion of…”, “Deep in the woods…”, or “We start­ed off on the road and we were head­ing to…” You can post these on social media or put them in a curb­side deliv­ery bag.

Cha­rades on the Go: For this activ­i­ty, you will make a set of cha­rades cards and put them in a curb­side deliv­ery bag. Need some ideas for cha­rades cards?

Vir­tu­al Dance Par­ty: For this activ­i­ty, fam­i­lies will enjoy a vir­tu­al dance par­ty. The par­ty can be offered in per­son how­ev­er, if extend­ed fam­i­lies are unable to vis­it the par­ty can be offered vir­tu­al­ly. Here are ideas on how to make it interactive:

Search Pix­abay or Unsplash for free pho­tos and videos and use them as vir­tu­al back­grounds on Zoom.

Search on YouTube for free songs for kids. If you are using Zoom, make sure you click on share com­put­er sound. Here is the link describ­ing how to do this.

Encour­age fam­i­ly mem­bers to find some­thing in their house that can be used as an instrument.

Enjoy these fall sto­ry favorites:

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