Skinny Dip

Skinny Dip with Lynne Jonell 

Favorite hol­i­day tra­di­tion? One of my favorite things ever is when we sit around the table at Thanks­giv­ing and take turns telling what we are par­tic­u­lar­ly thank­ful for, that year. I get a lit­tle choked up, espe­cial­ly when I lis­ten to my sons. Were you a teacher’s pet or teacher’s chal­lenge? I was a teacher’s

Skinny Dip with Terri Evans 

What keeps you up at night? Just about every­thing – I am a wor­ri­er and haven’t had eight straight hours of sleep in almost two years. What is your proud­est career moment? There are two, both of which occurred in the past cou­ple of years. The first began two years ago (as did my inability

Skinny Dip with Mary Casanova 

What keeps you up at night? I have two kinds of sleep­ers in me: 1) the one who sleeps sound­ly from the moment my head hits the pil­low until morn­ing and 2) the rest­less non-sleep­­er (usu­al­ly hor­mone induced) who keeps an ear open for the cat, Apol­lo, meow­ing at the door; who hears one of

Skinny Dip with Will Hobbs 

What ani­mal are you most like? Sea tur­tle. Which book of yours was the most dif­fi­cult to write or illus­trate? Bear­stone, my first book, had six drafts writ­ten over an 8‑year peri­od. It even had sev­er­al dif­fer­ent titles, includ­ing Pride of the West. When I wrote the sixth draft I knew it was a quantum

Skinny Dip with Debra Frasier 

What is your favorite hol­i­day tra­di­tion: When I was four­teen years old I assumed the role of Christ­mas Ambrosia Mak­er in my south­ern-nov­el of a fam­i­ly. I was the youngest appointee, ever, and sur­pris­ing, as it requires weld­ing a very sharp ser­rat­ed knife, but I had a knack for it. We were a “fruit-rich” family

Skinny Dip with Heather Vogel Frederick 

What is your proud­est career moment? I don’t think any­thing will ever beat get­ting that phone call over a dozen years ago from Simon & Schus­ter (edi­tor Kevin Lewis, to be exact) let­ting me know that they were going to pub­lish my first book, The Voy­age of Patience Good­speed. I hung up the phone afterwards

Skinny Dip with Susan Cooper 

What ani­mal are you most like? I’m a giraffe. A medi­um-sized giraffe, because I was tall when I was young, but now — to my fury — I’ve passed the age when you begin to shrink. A giraffe is shy, and does­n’t make much noise: that’s me, I think. The giraffe and I are both good at look­ing around

Skinny Dip with Jen Bryant 

What ani­mal are you most like? Prob­a­bly a cat. I’m very inde­pen­dent, I love to sit in a pud­dle of warm sun, I spend a lot of my free time watch­ing birds, and I’m very attached to my home. (I would have said a dog, but I’m not that obe­di­ent!)  Which book of yours was

Skinny Dip with Virginia Euwer Wolff 

What’s your favorite hol­i­day tra­di­tion? I have so many favorites. One of them is the hang­ing of the Christ­mas stock­ings. My aunt made felt and appliqué stock­ings for my two tiny chil­dren in the 1960s. Thir­ty years lat­er, my daugh­ter made felt and appliqué stock­ings for her hus­band, their two chil­dren, and me. She designed

Skinny Dip with Maryann Weidt 

What’s your favorite hol­i­day tra­di­tion? I love get­ting togeth­er with my chil­dren — all grown-ups now — at Christ­mas. My daugh­­ter-in-law majored in ‘enter­tain­ing’ and she always has ‘Pop­pers’ and we always play games. One year she taped a ques­tion on the bot­tom of each plate. Ques­tions like these: What is the best Christ­mas present you ever received — and we

Skinny Dip with Phyllis Root 

What keeps you up at night? My cat Catali­na keeps me up at night, meow­ing and wan­der­ing back and forth over me, look­ing for our oth­er cat Spike, who died last fall and with whom she’d been togeth­er since kit­ten­hood. What is your proud­est career moment? I have two, and they hap­pened close togeth­er. When

Skinny Dip with Liza Ketchum 

Which book of yours was the most dif­fi­cult to write or illus­trate? My non-fic­­tion books required the most intense peri­ods of research, but the YA nov­el, Blue Coy­ote, was the most per­son­al­ly chal­leng­ing. How could I, a straight woman, take on the char­ac­ter and voice of a young male teen who was explor­ing his sexuality?

Skinny Dip with Nancy Loewen 

What keeps you up at night? At var­i­ous times: Panera’s iced green tea; the sound of my 18-year-old daugh­ter raid­ing the fridge; play­ing Sudoku on my phone; and, as with every­one, a head full of this-and-that. What is your proud­est career moment? I’m going to reach way back for this one, more than 20 years

Skinny Dip with Karen Cushman 

  What’s your favorite hol­i­day tra­di­tion? Phil is Jew­ish so we cel­e­brate Hanukkah. I light the house with can­dles — one hun­dred or so white can­dles of all sizes and shapes. It looks beau­ti­ful but makes the house very, very warm. Were you a teacher’s pet or teacher’s chal­lenge? Oh, teacher’s pet, with­out a doubt. I was too

Skinny Dip with Marion Dane Bauer 

  What is your proud­est career moment? My proud­est career moment I sup­pose should be the day in 1986 when On My Hon­or won a New­bery Hon­or Award. But though that was the moment that changed my career more than any oth­er, it’s not my proud­est. My proud­est was when I was just begin­ning writ­ing, had

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