Skinny Dip

Sarah Aronson

Skinny Dip with Sarah Aronson 

Sarah Aron­son’s most recent books, The Worst Fairy God­moth­er Ever (The Wish List #1, Beach Lane Books) and Keep Calm and Sparkle On! (The Wish List #2) are at once light­heart­ed and seri­ous — sto­ries that are fun to read and encour­age work­ing for caus­es that mat­ter to the world. Sarah is wide­ly known in the chil­dren’s book writing

Mira Bartók

Skinny Dip with Mira Bartók 

Mira Bartók, author and illus­tra­tor, recent­ly ush­ered The Won­der­ling into the world and it is already on sev­er­al best of 2017 book lists. Con­grat­u­la­tions, Mira, and thanks for shar­ing your respons­es with our read­ers. When did you first start read­ing books? Age 4. All-time favorite book? The Arrival by Shaun Tan. Favorite break­fast or lunch as

Susan Yutzey

Skinny Dip with Susan Yutzey 

Susan Yutzey worked as an Ohio school librar­i­an for many years, serv­ing in local, state, and nation­al lead­er­ship posi­tions. Now retired, she con­tin­ues to be a tire­less advo­cate for school libraries and librar­i­ans. Who was your favorite teacher in grades K‑7 and why? Ms. D’Angelo was my sev­enth grade teacher. I was a new stu­dent at

Skinny Dip with Anne Broyles 

Author Anne Broyles is a world trav­el­er, explor­er, and social jus­tice advo­cate who writes books about his­tor­i­cal jour­neys, fam­i­ly tra­di­tions, and the immi­grant expe­ri­ence.  Who was your favorite teacher in grades K‑7 and why? My fifth grade teacher at Schu­mak­er Ele­men­tary School, Mr. George Willems, encour­aged me to think of myself as a writer through our

Patti Lapp

Skinny Dip with Patti Lapp 

A ded­i­cat­ed edu­ca­tor in Penn­syl­va­nia, we invit­ed Pat­ti Lapp to answer our twen­ty Skin­ny Dip ques­tions.  Who was your favorite teacher in grades K‑7 and why? Mr. Jor­dan was my favorite teacher who taught 7th grade. He was fun­ny and straight­for­ward; all of us stu­dents respect­ed him, and he cer­tain­ly kept every­one in line. I attended

Stephanie Calmenson

Skinny Dip with Stephanie Calmenson 

Author of the beloved Din­ner at the Pan­da Palace, Stephanie Cal­men­son has shared her love of lit­er­a­ture with ear­ly child­hood and ele­men­tary read­ers by chan­nel­ing her enthu­si­asm for their expe­ri­ences into her books.  Who was your favorite teacher in grades K‑7 and why? I loved my kinder­garten teacher, Ms. Cogan, who taught with warmth and joy. Fast

Margarita Engle

Skinny Dip with Margarita Engle 

Our cur­rent Young Peo­ple’s Poet Lau­re­ate, Mar­gari­ta Engle has writ­ten about the land, the life, and the heroes of Cuba, along with verse nov­els, pic­ture books, and biogra­phies of heroes the world over.  What is your favorite day­dream? I love to dream of instant trav­el, like the “beam me up” gad­get in old Star Trek episodes.

Geoff Herbach

Skinny Dip with Geoff Herbach 

Cre­ative with many endeav­ors, includ­ing writ­ing, teach­ing col­lege stu­dents, the­ater, and being a dad, Geoff Herbach is stretch­ing his wings from YA fic­tion to pic­ture books! Who was your favorite teacher in grades K‑7 and why? I loved Mrs. Fatzinger in 5th grade. She read books out loud to us every day right after lunch and it

Joyce Sidman

Skinny Dip with Joyce Sidman 

From the first time, many years ago, that I heard Joyce Sid­man read aloud from her poet­ry, when Eure­ka! Poems about Inven­tors was about to be released, I knew this woman car­ried mag­ic in her soul. Work­ing mag­ic with words, writ­ing about sci­ence and our very human emo­tions … Joyce has become a favorite author for many readers.

Lee Bennett Hopkins

Skinny Dip with Lee Bennett Hopkins 

You can­not be a part of the chil­dren’s lit­er­a­ture com­mu­ni­ty with­out know­ing his name. Lee Ben­nett Hop­kins has been writ­ing for chil­dren and adults since 1968. His Books Are by Peo­ple (1969) had a pro­found effect on me. With his antholo­gies, he has kept our eyes focused on poet­ry, know­ing how much chil­dren love the images and

Cathy Camper

Skinny Dip with Cathy Camper 

Are you fans of the Lowrid­ers graph­ic nov­els? We are! And we can’t wait for the next one. The author who thinks up those great sto­ries is Cathy Camper. We invit­ed her to Skin­ny Dip with the Bookol­o­gist … and she said yes! When we asked her point­ed ques­tions, here’s what she had to say. Favorite

Suzanne Costner

Skinny Dip with Suzanne Costner 

We’re thrilled to Skin­ny Dip with out­stand­ing edu­ca­tor Suzanne Cost­ner, Thanks to Suzanne for answer our ques­tions dur­ing her very busy end-of-the-school-year hours. Who was your favorite teacher in grades K‑7 and why? My favorite teacher was Mrs. Hill in 4th grade. She read to us every day after lunch: Stu­art Lit­tle, Where the Red

Aimee Bissonette

Skinny Dip with Aimée Bissonette 

We’re thrilled to Skin­ny Dip with Aimée Bis­sonette, who is the author of two acclaimed pic­ture books so far, North Woods Girl (Min­neso­ta His­tor­i­cal Soci­ety Press) and Miss Col­fax’s Light (Sleep­ing Bear Press). Thanks to Aor tak­ing time away from writ­ing and work to answer Bookol­o­gy’s ques­tions! When did you first start read­ing books? My best

Susan Latta

Skinny Dip with Susan Latta 

This week we’re all set to Skin­ny Dip with Susan Lat­ta, who is cel­e­brat­ing the pub­li­ca­tion of her first trade book on Sep­tem­ber 1st, Bold Women of Med­i­cine: 21 Sto­ries of Astound­ing Dis­cov­er­ies, Dar­ing Surg­eries, and Heal­ing Break­throughs (Chica­go Review Press). With his­tor­i­cal to con­tem­po­rary biogra­phies of women who have found cures, advanced med­i­cine, and tended

Gary Mlodzik

Skinny Dip with Gary Mlodzik 

This time around, we’re Skin­ny Dip­pin’ with Gary Mlodzik, founder of the Grow Your Library ini­tia­tive with­in the nation­al lit­er­a­cy foun­da­tion Kids Need to Read. Which celebri­ty, liv­ing or not, do you wish would invite you to a cof­fee shop? Lee Child. I love his writ­ing! I have read every one of the Jack Reacher

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