We were very excited to read Creekfinding: a True Story because it tells the story of restoring a long-ago creek in an Iowa prairie setting. Just imagine: bringing back the burbling waters, the fish, the insects, the grasses … everything that makes up the health and character of the land. It took bulldozers and determination, partners and imagination, but it was a project that brought ecological success!
Our Bookstorm will take you into further exploration, studying ecosystems, water conservation, community action, fish, and more.
We trust you will find inspiration and resources aplenty within the Bookstorm to accompany your study of Creekfinding: a True Story. We know you’ll share our appreciation for Dr. Michael Osterholm, who conceived of the project, Jacqueline Briggs Martin, the author, Claudia McGehee, the illustrator, and the University of Minnesota Press, which understood how much readers and innovative thinkers need this book.
Bookology interviewed the author, Jacqueline Briggs Martin, and the illustrator, Claudia McGehee, about their work on this book.
You’ll find more information about Jacqueline Briggs Martin on her website. And read about illustrator Claudia McGehee on her website.
- Dr. Michael Osterholm (who conceived of the Creekfinding project)
- driftless region
- ecosystems
- fiction
- fish
- prairies
- preserving and restoring our natural world
- think globally, act locally
- urban farming, restoring greenery and growth to the city
- water
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