An Antidote to Holiday Cookies

Nature's YuckyThe Nature’s Yucky! three-book chil­drens non-fic­tion series fea­tures ani­mals doing what we humans per­ceive as gross behav­iors. My co-author Karen Shragg and I then describe how these yucky actions help the ani­mals survive.

Karen likes to cook and does a lot of exper­i­ment­ing, whip­ping meals togeth­er. Since she likes cook­ing so much, we include a kid-friend­ly recipe in every book. In our first book, Nature’s Yucky!: Gross Stuff that Helps Nature Work, we talk about coprophagy – that is when ani­mals eat scat, infor­mal­ly known as poop. Wild and domes­tic rab­bits do this. And yes, this is real­ly yucky! By re-eat­ing their drop­pings, the rab­bits can squeeze out any left-over nutri­tion, espe­cial­ly in the win­ter when high qual­i­ty food is not available.

So we present, as an anti­dote to fan­cy, charm­ing, hol­i­day cook­ies: Scat Cook­ies. (As you read the recipe, you will dis­cov­er they are real­ly choco­late-chip cookies.)


  • 1 cup but­ter, softened
  • 1−1÷2 cups white sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tsp vanil­la extract
  • 2 cups all-pur­pose flour
  • 23 cup cocoa powder
  • ¾ tsp bak­ing soda
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • 1 cup semi­sweet choco­late chips
  • 1 cup peanut but­ter chips


Pre­heat oven to 350° F.

In a large bowl, beat but­ter, sug­ar, eggs, and vanil­la until light and fluffy. In a sep­a­rate bowl, com­bine the flour, cocoa, bak­ing soda, and salt. Stir the flour mix­ture into the but­ter mix­ture until well blend­ed. Mix in the choco­late and peanut but­ter chips.

Light­ly but­ter your hands. Roll the dough into scat shapes. Place small­er, round­ed scat cook­ies, such as rab­bit scat on one cook­ie sheet and larg­er, rolled and twist­ed scat cook­ies, such as moun­tain lion scat, on anoth­er cook­ie sheet. That way you can bake the two sheets for dif­fer­ent lengths of time if needed.

Bake 8 to 10 min­utes, keep­ing an eye on the small­er scat cook­ies so they don’t burn.

Hap­py scat snacking!

Scat Cookies
pho­tos from Nature’s Yucky: Gross Stuff that Helps Nature Work by Lee Ann Land­strom and Karen I. Shragg,
illus­trat­ed by Con­stance R. Bergum, Moun­tain Press. Used with permission.
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Linda Marten, MSW
4 years ago

This made me laugh out loud! Thank you! I plan to buy the book!

Lee Ann Landstrom
Lee Ann Landstrom
Reply to  Linda Marten, MSW
4 years ago

Thanks for the vote of con­fi­dence. If this made you laugh, you’ll enjoy all three books. We have a quip at the end of each animal.

4 years ago

omg. This is hilar­i­ous. My house rab­bits (and nieces and nephews) will love to hear this one.

Lee Ann Landstrom
Lee Ann Landstrom
Reply to  Cynthia
4 years ago

Do you have real rab­bits for pets? Have you noticed how they turn right around and eat the first poop? Don’t take it per­son­al­ly as a com­ment on your qual­i­ty treats and meals– it’s a built-in behavior.

Heidi Hammond
Heidi Hammond
4 years ago

Thank you for the recipe and the books!

Lee Ann Landstrom
Lee Ann Landstrom
4 years ago

Thank you Hei­di for your sup­port. Read all three books; I guar­an­tee that even adults will learn some new things.