Pork Roll Sandwich

Pork Roll Sandwich

One of New Jer­sey’s most famous foods, the Pork Roll sand­wich is made from John Tay­lor’s Pork Roll, first made in 1856. It’s a lot like SPAM, but dif­fer­ent, but to make this recipe, if you can’t find Tay­lor Pork Roll, you can cut SPAM very thin­ly and use it instead.
Prep Time10 min­utes
Cook Time10 min­utes
Total Time20 min­utes
Serv­ings: 4


  • 4 slices Pork Roll about 6 ounces
  • 2 Tbsp unsalt­ed butter
  • 4 Kaiser rolls split in half and toasted
  • 4 large eggs
  • Kosher salt and fresh­ly ground black pepper
  • 4 slices Amer­i­can cheese
  • Ketchup if you like


  • Score the edges of the pork roll slices in 3 or 4 places. This will keep the slices flat and pre­vent them from buck­ling as they cook.
  • Heat the but­ter in a large non­stick skil­let over medi­um-high heat. Add the pork slices in one lay­er and brown well on both sides, about 6 min­utes. Remove the slices and place one on top of each toast­ed roll bottom.
  • Reduce the heat to medi­um-low and crack the eggs into the skil­let. Break each yolk with the cor­ner of your spat­u­la. Sprin­kle with salt and pep­per. After about 2 min­utes, flip the eggs and con­tin­ue cook­ing on the oth­er side. Imme­di­ate­ly place a slice of Amer­i­can cheese on top of each egg. Cov­er with a lid to melt the cheese, about 30 seconds.
  • Place each egg and cheese quad­rant on top of a browned pork roll slice. At this point you can squeeze ketchup on top if desired. Top with the oth­er half of the roll.


We think per­haps poet and Dr. William Car­los Williams would have eat­en this sand­wich at least once, being from New Jer­sey. You might find this arti­cle inter­est­ing because it gives the his­to­ry of the sand­wich as well as places where you might enjoy the sand­wich when you vis­it New Jer­sey. http://bit.ly/20VqvVs
Adapt­ed from from The Cook­ing Channel
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