Pumpkin Muffins

Choco­late Crois­sant Bread Pudding
Yields 9
Eat dessert first! Inspired by Rube Gold­berg’s love of Cool Whip (and Sarah’s love of writ­ing what makes her happy!)
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Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
45 min
Total Time
1 hr 5 min 
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
45 min
Total Time
1 hr 5 min 
  1. 2 eggs plus 4 egg yolks
  2. 2 cups whole milk
  3. 12 cup unsweet­ened cocoa powder
  4. 1−1÷2 cups heavy cream
  5. 1−1÷2 tsp cinnamon
  6. 1 tsp salt
  7. 8 oz bit­ter­sweet chocolate
  8. 1−1÷2 cup sugar
  9. 1 tsp vanilla
  10. 6 to 8 croissants
  11. Cool Whip!
  1. Pre­heat oven to 325 deg F.
  2. Whisk 2 eggs plus 4 egg yolks togeth­er. Set aside.
  3. Over a low flame, com­bine 2 cups whole milk, 12 cup unsweet­ened cocoa pow­der, 1 12 cups heavy cream, 1 12 tsp cin­na­mon, and 1 tsp salt in a sauce pan until smooth.
  4. Add 8 oz bit­ter­sweet choco­late, 1 12 cup sug­ar, and 1 tsp vanilla .
  5. Stir.
  6. Slow­ly add milk-and-choco­late mix­ture to the eggs. Don’t be aggres­sive! (If you do, you
  7. will get scram­bled eggs.)
  8. But­ter an 8″ x 8″ bak­ing dish.
  9. Cut 6 – 8 crois­sants into cubes and place in dish.
  10. Pour choco­late mix­ture over crois­sants. Let them sit to soak up all the choco­latey good­ness. Be patient!
  11. Bake at 325 degrees for 45 – 50 minutes.
  12. Scoop on some Cool Whip and eat!
Bookol­o­gy Mag­a­zine https://www.bookologymagazine.com/
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