In Memoriam: Wendy Watson

Wendy Wat­son was a third gen­er­a­tion author and artist. Her grand­par­ents, Ernest W. Wat­son and Eva Auld Wat­son, were painters and pio­neer col­or block print­ers.  Ernest was also founder and edi­tor of the mag­a­zine Amer­i­can Artist, co-founder of Wat­son-Gup­till Pub­li­ca­tions, and co-founder of one of the first sum­mer art schools, the Berk­shire Sum­mer School of Art. Wendy’s father, Aldren A. Wat­son, is an author, and also the illus­tra­tor of more than 175 books, includ­ing many children’s books writ­ten by Wendy’s moth­er, Nan­cy Ding­man Watson.

Wendy received her pri­ma­ry edu­ca­tion and ear­ly art train­ing from her par­ents. She lat­er stud­ied paint­ing and draw­ing with Jer­ry Farnsworth, Helen Sawyer, and Daniel Greene, and received a BA in Latin Lit­er­a­ture from Bryn Mawr College.

Wendy was the author-illus­tra­tor of twen­ty-one books for chil­dren, and the illus­tra­tor of over six­ty books for oth­er authors. Her books have received many awards and hon­ors, includ­ing: The Nation­al Book Award, nom­i­nee; The Koret Jew­ish Book Award; The Syd­ney Tay­lor Hon­or Book Award; Best Books of the Year, The New York Times; Best Books of the Year, Amer­i­can Library Asso­ci­a­tion; Best Books of the Year, School Library Jour­nal; Best Books of the Year, Pub­lish­ers Week­lyKirkus Reviews Editor’s Choice; Notable Children’s Books, Amer­i­can Library Asso­ci­a­tion; Out­stand­ing Sci­ence Trade Books for Chil­dren, Nation­al Sci­ence Teach­ers Association/Children’s Book Coun­cil; Pick of the Lists, Amer­i­can Bookseller’s Asso­ci­a­tion; and Notable Children’s Books in the Field of Social Stud­ies, Children’s Book Council.

Wendy’s art­work was exhib­it­ed wide­ly, and includ­ed in numer­ous nation­al and inter­na­tion­al shows, includ­ing: “The Bien­ni­al of Illus­tra­tion,” Bratisla­va, Yugoslavia; “The Orig­i­nal Art,” The Soci­ety of Illus­tra­tors, New York; and “The Annu­al Exhi­bi­tion of Amer­i­can Illus­tra­tion,” The Soci­ety of Illus­tra­tors, New York. She was one of 106 artists rep­re­sent­ed in the exhi­bi­tion and book “Myth, Mag­ic, and Mys­tery: One Hun­dred Years of Amer­i­can Children’s Book Illus­tra­tion.” Wendy’s work is part of numer­ous pri­vate and insti­tu­tion­al collections.

Wendy was also a mem­ber of the Author’s Guild, the Soci­ety of Children’s Book Writ­ers and Illus­tra­tors, and The Soci­ety of Illus­tra­tors. She lived in Phoenix, Ari­zona, and Cape Cod, Mass­a­chu­setts. She passed away in Feb­ru­ary 2018 and will be held dear in the hearts of many friends and relatives.

Here are Wendy Wat­son’s pub­lished works:


Bed­time Bunnies
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Clar­i­on Books, 2010
ISBN 9780547223124

It’s always some­body’s bed­time, some­where in the world. In this book it’s bed­time for five lit­tle rab­bits. They come in from out­doors, have a snack, brush their teeth, take a bath, put on night­clothes, and lis­ten to a sto­ry before being tucked in for the night. Out­side, we see snowflakes falling. In the bun­nies’ home, all is warmth and cozi­ness and play­ful­ness and love. Four words per spread nar­rate the evening rou­tine, and delight­ful­ly soft and spir­it­ed illus­tra­tions take read­ers into the bun­nies’ world. Young chil­dren who have this book as a bed­time com­pan­ion are lucky indeed, espe­cial­ly if their own get­ting-ready-for-bed rit­u­als are as famil­iar and ten­der as those of the five bunnies.


writ­ten by Karen Hesse

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Scholas­tic Press, 2008
ISBN 9780439879934

Ma’s been work­ing so hard, she does­n’t have much left over. So her three kids decide to do some work on their own. In the dark of night, they steal into their rich neigh­bor’s pota­to fields in hopes of col­lect­ing the strays that have been left to rot. They dig flat-bel­lied in the dirt, hid­ing from pass­ing cars, and drag a sack of spuds through the frost back home. But in the light, the sad truth is revealed: their bag is full of stones! Ma is upset when she sees what they’ve done, and makes them set things right. But in a sur­prise twist, they learned they have helped the farmer….


The Cats in Krasin­s­ki Square
writ­ten by Karen Hesse
illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Scholas­tic Press, 2004
ISBN 9780439435406 

In lumi­nous free verse, Hes­se’s lat­est pic­ture book tells a pow­er­ful sto­ry of a young Jew­ish girl who, togeth­er with her old­er sis­ter, inge­nious­ly fights the Nazi occu­pa­tion of War­saw. After escap­ing from the Jew­ish ghet­to, the girl avoids detec­tion.… She finds joy in play­ing with the city’s aban­doned cats, who show her holes in the ghet­to wall, which the girl’s old­er sis­ter and their resis­tance friends will use to pass sup­plies shipped by train to War­saw. The Gestapo learns of the scheme, and sol­diers wait at the train sta­tion with dogs. Luck­i­ly, the cats inspire a solu­tion; they dis­tract the dogs and pro­tect the sup­plies. It’s an empow­er­ing sto­ry about the brav­ery and impact of young peo­ple, and Hes­se’s clear, spare poet­ry, from the girl’s view­point, refers to the hard­ships suf­fered with­out didac­ti­cism. In bold, black lines and wash­es of smoky gray and ochre, Wat­son’s arrest­ing images echo the pared-down lan­guage as well as the hope that shines like the glints of sun­light on Krasin­s­ki Square. An author’s note ref­er­ences the true events and heart­break­ing his­to­ry that inspired this stir­ring, expert­ly craft­ed story.


Father Fox’s Christ­mas Rhymes
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Far­rar, Straus & Giroux, 2003
ISBN 9780374375768

A cozy col­lec­tion of hol­i­day verse.

Who is that knock­ing at the door?
It’s old Father Fox with sur­pris­es galore!
Licorice & lol­lipops, lemons & limes
A bun­dle of toys & a bag full of rhymes …

Over thir­ty years ago, Father Fox’s Pen­nyrhymes became an instant clas­sic and was a Nation­al Book Award Final­ist. Now Father Fox returns with new rhymes espe­cial­ly for yule­tide that con­jure up the excite­ment and mys­tery of the sea­son: play­ing in the snow, mak­ing hot apple cider, hid­ing presents — all at the warm and lov­ing home of the Fox family.

The vers­es feel like clas­sic children’s rhymes, and rich paint­ings cap­ture all the cheer and beau­ty of Christmastime.


Rab­bit Moon
writ­ten by Patri­cia Hubbell

illus­tra­tions by Wendy Watson
Mar­shall Cavendish, 2002
ISBN 9780761451037

Con­sid­er Rab­bit snow­men in Feb­ru­ary! Can you imag­ine Rab­bit pipers in March?! An engag­ing col­lec­tion of poems for preschool­ers and ear­ly read­ers, this unique almanac cel­e­brates the hol­i­days and good times enjoyed by young Rab­bits and chil­dren alike. From Rab­bit Lead­ers Day to Rab­bit Thanks­giv­ing, from Rab­bit fire­works in July to Rab­bit trick-or-treat in Octo­ber, all the spe­cial days of the year are here. And, as Big-Rab­bit-in-the-Moon looks on, all are enjoyed. Adding to the fun are play­ful illus­tra­tions (ren­dered in acrylics and India ink) of Rab­bits here, Rab­bits there, Rab­bits everywhere!


Hol­ly’s Christ­mas Eve
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Harper­Collins, 2002
ISBN 9780688176525

On Christ­mas Eve, Hol­ly is ready to join the oth­er orna­ments in cel­e­bra­tion. But dis­as­ter strikes when naughty Bad Cat bats the tree’s branch­es: Hol­ly los­es her wood­en arm! Cloth Bear and Tin Horse rush to help her find it, meet­ing dan­ger and becom­ing good friends along the way.

Wendy Wat­son’s paint­ings glow with excite­ment as the trio hur­ries to get home safe­ly before San­ta arrives.

This heart­warm­ing sto­ry, filled with adven­ture, is per­fect for read­ing aloud by the light of your own tree at Christmastime.


Is My Friend at Home?: Pueblo Fire­side Tales
writ­ten by John Bierhorst

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Far­rar, Straus & Giroux, 2001
ISBN 9780374335502

Here are sev­en inter­con­nect­ed sto­ries about mak­ing and keep­ing friends, jew­el-like tales orig­i­nal­ly told to the youngest lis­ten­ers at Native Amer­i­can fire­sides in the Hopi coun­try of north­ern Ari­zona. In John Bier­horst’s authen­tic re-cre­ation of a Pueblo sto­ry­telling ses­sion, read­ers and lis­ten­ers will find out how Coy­ote got his short ears, why Mouse walks soft­ly, and how Bee learned to fly.

Snake, Mole, Bad­ger, Bee­tle, and Dove also have roles clever and fool­ish, friend­ly and not so friend­ly, and all are depict­ed with humor and finesse by illus­tra­tor Wendy Watson.


Love’s a Sweet
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Viking Pen­guin, 1998
ISBN 9780670834532

Ani­mals of every sort quar­rel and kiss, laugh and lul­la­by their way through the plea­sures and pit­falls of every­day love in this new col­lec­tion of short rhymes writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by sis­ters Clyde and Wendy Wat­son. Each of Clyde’s “pen­nyrhymes” is illus­trat­ed with fun­ny, often ten­der scenes fea­tur­ing Wendy’s fuzzy farm ani­mals. Love’s A Sweet is the per­fect book for chil­dren to share with moms, dads, broth­ers, sis­ters, and espe­cial­ly with grand­ma and grandpa!

no cov­er
image avail­able

Du Store Ver­den (orig. Nor­we­gian ed.)
writ­ten by Kather­ine Pater­son et al.
illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
J.W. Cap­pe­lens For­lag a‑s, 1995

No syn­op­sis yet.


Fox Went Out on a Chilly Night
edit­ed and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Lothrop, Lee & Shep­ard, 1994
no ISBN yet

An illus­trat­ed ver­sion of the folk song in which a fox trav­els many miles to get din­ner for his wife and ten cubs.


The Big Book for Our Planet
edit­ed by Ann Dur­rell, Jean Craig­head George, and Kather­ine Paterson
illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Dut­ton Chil­dren’s Books, 1993
ISBN 9780525451198

More than forty acclaimed chil­dren’s book authors and illus­tra­tors join togeth­er to cre­ate an anthol­o­gy — whose pro­ceeds will ben­e­fit envi­ron­men­tal orga­ni­za­tions — of sto­ries, poems, essays, and pic­tures that cel­e­brate Earth and call atten­tion to envi­ron­men­tal destruction.


Hap­py East­er Day!
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Clar­i­on Books, 1993
ISBN 9780395536292

A fam­i­ly pre­pares for a tra­di­tion­al Amer­i­can East­er by mak­ing hot cross buns, get­ting new clothes, and dec­o­rat­ing eggs. On the hol­i­day, they hunt for bas­kets, go to church, have din­ner, and play games. Songs and poems are inter­spersed through­out the text.


Boo! It’s Halloween
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Clar­i­on Books, 1992
ISBN 9780395536285

A fam­i­ly gets ready for Hal­loween by prepar­ing cos­tumes, mak­ing good­ies for the school par­ty, and carv­ing jack‑o’-lanterns. Hal­loween jokes and rhymes are inter­spersed through­out the text.


Hur­ray for the Fourth of July
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Clar­i­on Books, 1992
ISBN 9780618040360 (Sand­piper ed., 2000)

In a small Ver­mont town a fam­i­ly cel­e­brates the Fourth of July by attend­ing a parade, hav­ing a pic­nic, and watch­ing fireworks.


Thanks­giv­ing at Our House
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Clar­i­on Books, 1991
ISBN 9780395699447 (Sand­piper ed., 1994)

A spir­it­ed col­lec­tion of tra­di­tion­al rhymes woven into an orig­i­nal story.


A Valen­tine for You
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Clar­i­on Books, 1991
ISBN 9780395536254

A live­ly col­lec­tion of tra­di­tion­al Valen­tine rhymes cel­e­brates the fun a fam­i­ly can have prepar­ing for the holiday.


The Night Before Christmas
writ­ten by Clement Clarke Moore

edit­ed and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Clar­i­on Books, 1990
ISBN 9780395665084 (Sand­piper ed., 1993)

The famil­iar verse about a vis­it from Saint Nick is depict­ed in a late-twen­ti­eth-cen­tu­ry small town set­ting, which brings to life the tra­di­tion­al Amer­i­can cel­e­bra­tion of a beloved holiday.


Wendy Wat­son’s Frog Went A‑Courting
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
piano arr. by Paul Alan Levi
Lothrop, Lee & Shep­ard, 1990
ISBN 9780688065409

Presents the well-known folk song about the courtship and mar­riage of the frog and the mouse. Includes music.


A, B, C, D, Tum­my, Toes, Hands, Knees
writ­ten by Bar­bara Hennessey

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Viking Pen­guin, 1989
ISBN 9780670817030

A rhyth­mic, rhyming text lists objects, ideas, and actions; sim­ple vignettes and full-page draw­ings pro­vide the def­i­n­i­tions by show­ing famil­iar activ­i­ties and games enjoyed by a moth­er and child in the course of their day together.


Valen­tine Foxes
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­tra­tions by Wendy Watson
Orchard Books, 1989
ISBN 9780531070338 (Orchard, 1992)

The Fox fam­i­ly’s genial dis­ar­ray is enlivened as the cubs pre­pare a spe­cial sur­prise. The book includes a recipe for Valen­tine Pound Cake.



Wendy Wat­son’s Moth­er Goose
edit­ed and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Lothrop, Lee & Shep­ard, 1989
ISBN 9780688057084

In this com­pre­hen­sive, lav­ish­ly illus­trat­ed vol­ume, Wat­son shares her beguil­ing vision of the time­less world of Moth­er Goose. A won­der­ful intro­duc­tion to the rich folk­lore of child­hood. Full-col­or illustrations.

no cov­er
image avail­able

How I Feel: Happy
writ­ten by Mar­cia Leonard

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Ban­tam, 1988
no ISBN yet

No syn­po­sis yet.

no cov­er
image avail­able

How I Feel: Silly
writ­ten by Mar­cia Leonard

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Ban­tam, 1988
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.

no cov­er
image avail­able

How I Feel: Sad
writ­ten by Mar­cia Leonard

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Ban­tam, 1988
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


How I Feel: Angry
writ­ten by Mar­cia Leonard

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Ban­tam, 1988
ISBN 9780553054828

Describes, in sim­ple terms, sit­u­a­tions which make us angry and how to cope with feel­ings of anger.


Tales For a Win­ter’s Eve
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Far­rar, Straus & Giroux, 1988
ISBN 9780374474195 (Sun­burst ed., 1991)

When Fred­die Fox injures his paw in a ski­ing acci­dent, his fam­i­ly and friends dis­tract him with sto­ries about the ani­mal inhab­i­tants of their village.


Doc­tor Coy­ote, A Native Amer­i­can Aesop’s Fable
writ­ten by John Bierhorst

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Macmil­lan, 1987
ISBN 9780027097801 

Coy­ote is fea­tured in each of these Aztec inter­pre­ta­tions of Aesop’s fables. The illus­tra­tions are set in the twen­ti­eth century.


Lit­tle Brown Bear
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
West­ern Pub­lish­ing, 1985
ISBN 9780307030429

Lit­tle Brown Bear would like to go fish­ing with his father, but his par­ents think he’s too small.


Belin­da’s Hurricane
writ­ten by Eliz­a­beth Winthrop

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
E.P. Dut­ton, 1984
ISBN 9780525441069

While wait­ing out a fierce hur­ri­cane in her grand­moth­er’s house on Fox Island, Belin­da has a chance to get to know her grand­moth­er’s reclu­sive neigh­bor Mr. Fletcher.


I Love My Baby Sis­ter: Most of the Time
writ­ten by Elaine Edelman

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Lothrop, Lee & Shep­ard, 1984
ISBN 9780140505474 (Puf­fin ed., 1985)

A small girl looks for­ward to the time when her baby sis­ter will be big enough to play with and be friends with.


Hap­py Birth­day From Car­olyn Haywood
writ­ten by Car­olyn Haywood

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Mor­row Junior Books, 1984
ISBN 9780688027094

A col­lec­tion of nine sto­ries revolv­ing around the birth­day cel­e­bra­tions of a vari­ety of the author’s char­ac­ters, old and new.

need cov­er image  

Christ­mas at Bun­ny’s Inn
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Philomel, 1984
ISBN 9780399210907

Pop-up book: A three-dimen­sion­al Advent calendar.


Father Fox’s Feast of Songs
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Philomel, 1983
ISBN 9780399208867

Here is a joy­ous col­lec­tion of songs for every fam­i­ly to enjoy togeth­er. Clyde Wat­son has cho­sen her favorites from the best-sell­ing nurs­ery rhyme books, Father Fox’s Pen­nyrhymes and Catch Me & Kiss Me & Say it Again, and set them to music in easy-to-play arrange­ments for voice, piano and gui­tar. Wendy Wat­son has illus­trat­ed her sis­ter’s songs with humor and affec­tion. Gath­er around the piano and sing— here are songs to cel­e­brate every aspect of hap­py child­hood and lov­ing fam­i­ly life.


Bet­sy’s Up-and-Down Year
writ­ten by Anne Pellowski

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Philomel, 1983
ISBN 9780399209703

The fur­ther adven­tures of Bet­sy on her fam­i­ly’s Wis­con­sin farm includ­ing her strug­gles with sib­ling rival­ry, an encounter with a rat­tlesnake, a birth­day par­ty, and cop­ing with the death of her grandfather.


The Bun­nies’ Christ­mas Eve (pop-up book)
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Philomel, 1983
ISBN 9780399209680

Bun­ny learns the true mean­ing of Christ­mas as she takes part in a spe­cial cer­e­mo­ny and fam­i­ly hol­i­day tra­di­tions, as depict­ed by stand-up illus­tra­tions with mov­ing parts.


Apple­bet, An ABC
writ­ten by Clyde Watson
illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Far­rar, Straus & Giroux, 1982
ISBN 9780374404277

A is for apple as every­one knows
Can you fol­low this one wher­ev­er it goes? 
B is for Bet in the top of the tree
Who picked it & shined it & gave it to me.

A Library of Con­gress Chil­dren’s Book of the Year.


The Biggest, Mean­est, Ugli­est Dog in the Whole Wide World
writ­ten by Rebec­ca C. Jones

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Macmil­lan, 1982
ISBN 9780027478006

Jonathan is ter­ri­fied of the dog next door, until one day he throws his ball at it in defense and their rela­tion­ship changes.


First Farm in the Val­ley: Anna’s Story
writ­ten by Anne Pellowski

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Macmil­lan, 1982
ISBN 9780884895374 (St. Mary’s Press ed., 1998)

Anna, the Amer­i­can-born daugh­ter of Pol­ish immi­grants, longs to escape the rig­ors of Wis­con­sin farm life to vis­it the roman­ti­cized Poland of her dreams.


Wind­ing Val­ley Farm: Annie’s Story
writ­ten by Anne Pellowski

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Philomel, 1982
ISBN 9780399208638

Life for six-year-old Annie Dorawa on Wind­ing Val­ley Farm just down the road from the Pel­lowskis’ first farm in the val­ley is busy and hap­py. Then one day, Annie hears her father speak about not plant­i­ng that year, but instead mov­ing into town. Is it real­ly pos­si­ble that they might leave their beau­ti­ful farm? What could her father be think­ing about? This new anx­i­ety, along with that inner imp of mis­chief always threat­en­ing to get her into trou­ble (and which final­ly does when broth­er John is killing chick­ens at the chop­ping block), hov­er over Annie as she works and plays with her sis­ter and five broth­ers immersed in the vig­or­ous life of their Amer­i­can-Pol­ish com­mu­ni­ty. Despite the dis­cov­ery that life is not always easy or as she d like it to be, Annie begins to real­ize what warm secu­ri­ty is to be found in a hard­work­ing fam­i­ly root­ed in faith and love.


Stairstep Farm: Anna Rose’s Story
writ­ten by Anne Pellowski

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Philomel, 1981
ISBN 9780884895367 (St. Mary’s Press ed., 1998)

In the late 1930s, Annie’s daugh­ter Anna Rose, as well as her oth­er chil­dren, can make almost any chore an occa­sion for fun. But Anna Rose, who is busy enough with the farm work and a new baby sis­ter, dreams of start­ing school.


Wil­low Wind Farm: Bet­sy’s Story
writ­ten by Anne Pellowski

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Philomel, 1981
ISBN 9780399207815

Anna Rose’s sev­en-year-old niece Bet­sy has a spe­cial year, one in which all the rel­a­tives from near and far gath­er for a fam­i­ly reunion at her grand­par­en­t’s farm. Bet­sy then dis­cov­ers how nice it is to live at the heart of a large and lov­ing family.


Jamie’s Sto­ry
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Philomel, 1981
ISBN 9780399207891

Por­trays a day in the life of a tod­dler as he helps his moth­er and father, plays, and dis­cov­ers the world around him.


But­ton Eye­’s Orange
writ­ten by Jan Wahl

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Fred­er­ick Warne, 1980
ISBN 9780723261889

Tak­en to the mar­ket to be sold, a toy dog tries to return with an orange to his boy who wears a leg brace.


How Brown Mouse Kept Christmas
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Far­rar, Straus & Giroux, 1989
ISBN 9780374334949

On Christ­mas Eve the mice feast and make mer­ry around the fam­i­ly’s Christ­mas tree, in full view of the sleep­ing cat, and Brown Mouse inad­ver­tent­ly does a kind­ness for the family.

need cov­er image  

Jen­ny’s Cat
writ­ten by Miska Miles

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Dut­ton, 1979
ISBN 9780553151251

Lone­ly in their new town, Jen­ny is delight­ed when a stray cat comes to their house, but her moth­er does­n’t want the cat to stay.


Catch Me & Kiss Me & Say It Again
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1978
ISBN 9780399219948

Thir­ty-two rhymes for the very young includ­ing count­ing rhymes, lul­la­bies, and games.


Has Win­ter Come?
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson

Philomel, 1978
ISBN 9780529054395

Although the chil­dren don’t rec­og­nize the faint smell of win­ter in the air, a wood­chuck fam­i­ly begins prepar­ing for long snowy nights.


writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1978
ISBN 9780690013269

When Mom and Dad make plans to move to a new house, Muf­fin decides to remain in the old one.


Bina­ry Numbers
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watsoni
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1977
ISBN 9780690009927

Intro­duces the prin­ci­ple and uses of bina­ry numbers.


Maps, Tracks, and the Bridges of Konigsberg
writ­ten by Michael Holt

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1976
ISBN 9780690007466

Offers a basic expla­na­tion of graph theory.

need cov­er image  

Christ­mas All Around the House: 
Christ­mas Dec­o­ra­tions You Can Make
writ­ten by Flo­rence Pettit

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1976
ISBN 9780690010138

Instruc­tions for mak­ing a vari­ety of Christ­mas dec­o­ra­tions, crafts, and foods that orig­i­nat­ed in dif­fer­ent parts of the world.


Hick­o­ry Stick Rag
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1976
ISBN 9780690009590

Recounts, in rhyme, the good and bad events of a school year for the young ani­mal children.


writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1976
ISBN 9780690007688

Bun­ny goes through a lot before he final­ly gets his lollipop.

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Heart’s Ease, A Lit­tle Book of Ten­der Thoughts
writ­ten by ???????

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1975
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


Quips & Quirks
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Crow­ell, 1975
ISBN 9780690007336

Briefly defines a num­ber of names used to tease or insult for a hun­dred years or more. Includes rub­ber­neck, flib­ber­ti­gib­bet, trolly­bags, and many more.


Muncus Agrun­cus: a Bad Lit­tle Mouse
writ­ten by Nan­cy D. Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1975
ISBN 9780307125408

Always fond of adven­ture, Muncus Agrun­cus spends much of his time pur­su­ing and escap­ing from mischief.


Sleep Is For Everyone
writ­ten by Paul Showers

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1974
ISBN 9780064451413

Bed­time often seems to come too ear­ly, but what would hap­pen if you nev­er went to sleep? When sci­en­tists decid­ed to find out, they dis­cov­ered that your brain needs a rest after a long day of think­ing, just as your mus­cles would need a rest after a long day of work.
A dif­fer­ent kind of bed­time sto­ry, this book is the per­fect response to the ques­tion — Can’t I stay up a lit­tle longer?’


The Birth­day Goat
writ­ten by Nan­cy D. Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson 
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1974
ISBN 9780333174838

The Goat fam­i­ly enjoys its out­ing to the Car­ni­val until Baby Souci goat is kidnapped.


Upside Down and Inside Out
writ­ten by Bob­bie Katz

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Franklin Watts, 1973
ISBN 9781563971228

Spec­u­lates in verse on the many ways the world could be turned upside down, inside out, and oth­er­wise mixed up.

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Ani­mal Garden
writ­ten by Ogden Nash

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Andre Deutsch, Lon­don, 1972
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


Open the Door and See All the People
writ­ten by Clyde Robert Bulla

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1972
ISBN 9780690600452

After los­ing every­thing they own, includ­ing their dolls, when their house burns down, two sis­ters learn about a place where they can adopt dolls.


Tom Fox and the Apple Pie
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1972
ISBN 9780690827835

Tom Fox goes to the Fair to bring back an apple pie for his family.


writ­ten by Charles Linn

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1972
ISBN 9780690656015

Sim­ple exper­i­ments with eas­i­ly avail­able mate­ri­als explain the the­o­ry of prob­a­bil­i­ty and how it is used by sci­en­tists, poll-tak­ers, and industrialists.

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A Gift of Mistletoe
writ­ten by ?????

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1971
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.

need cov­er image  

Amer­i­ca! America!
writ­ten by ???????

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1971
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


Life’s Won­drous Ways
writ­ten by ???????

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1971
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


Father Fox’s Pennyrhymes
writ­ten by Clyde Watson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Thomas Y. Crow­ell, 1971
ISBN 9780060295011 (Harper­Collins ed., 2001)

(Syn­op­sis for the 2001 edition.)

Life pro­claimed this long-unavail­able clas­sic the “first authen­ti­cal­ly col­lo­qui­al and breezi­ly Amer­i­can nurs­ery rhyme” when it was pub­lished in 1971. Now it is back for new gen­er­a­tions to enjoy!

All of Clyde Water­son­’s vers­es have what School Library Jour­nal calls the “foot-stomp­ing rhythm of an Amer­i­can square dance call.” Some feel cozy and nos­tal­gic; oth­ers are sil­ly. Many evoke the plea­sures of chang­ing sea­sons. But they all keep read­ers and young lis­ten­ers enter­tained, page after page. Wendy Wat­son’s ful­ly imag­ined and fine­ly detailed pic­tures of the splen­did fox fam­i­ly, at home and on joy­ous out­ings, will make chil­dren gig­gle. As The New York Times Book Review explains, “Put it all togeth­er — rhymes and pic­tures — and the book is like a breath of fresh air.”


Hap­py Thoughts
writ­ten by Louise Bachelder

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1970
no ISBN yet 

No syn­op­sis yet.


How Dear to My Heart
writ­ten by Louise Bachelder

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1970
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


Lizzie, the Lost Toys Witch
writ­ten by Mabel Harmer

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Macrae Smith, 1970
ISBN 9780825541254

The Lost Toys Witch goes around and gath­ers up all the toys that are left on carousels, in Kil­li­wid­dy chuck­holes, or in old man Twid­dledink’s toma­to red pushcart.


Mag­ic in the Alley
writ­ten by Mary Calhoun

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Atheneum, 1970
no ISBN yet

Cleery finds a box with sev­en mag­ic items in it and even though the mag­ic is soon spent it brings three friends some­thing of value.


Helen Keller
writ­ten by Mar­garet Davidson

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Scholas­tic Book Ser­vices, 1970
ISBN 9780590424042

The best­selling biog­ra­phy of Helen Keller and how, with the com­mit­ment and life­long friend­ship of Anne Sul­li­van, she learned to talk, read, and even­tu­al­ly grad­u­ate from col­lege with honors.

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The Jack Book
writ­ten by Irma Simonton

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Macmil­lan, Bank Street School of Edu­ca­tion, 1969
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


God Bless Us, Every One!
writ­ten by Louise Bachelder

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1969
no ISBN yet

Christ­mas-themed anthol­o­gy of say­ings, poet­ry, proverbs and Bible quotes.

need cov­er image  

The Hedge­hog and the Hare (the Broth­ers Grimm)
re-told and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
World, 1969
no ISBN yet

This is the Grimm Broth­er’s ver­sion of one of the best-loved of all folk tales now retold and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Wat­son. The hare taunts the hedge­hog for the short­ness of his legs. The hedge­hog sug­gests a race– and the hare is sur­prised when the hedge­hog wins. The clever hedge­hog had made a plan…


When Noodle­head Went to the Fair
Writ­ten by Kathryn Hitte

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Par­ents’ Mag­a­zine Press, 1968
no ISBN yet

A cute sto­ry about Noodle­head going to the fair to win a prize for his carrot.


Uncle Fon­zo’s Ford
writ­ten by Miska Miles

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Atlantic-Lit­tle Brown, 1968
no ISBN yet

A ten-year-old girl is very much embar­rassed by her uncle who intends well but always does things wrong, so that every­one laughs, espe­cial­ly the boy next door.


The Best in Off­beat Humor
writ­ten by Paul B. Lowney

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1968
no ISBN yet

A col­lec­tion of humor­ous quips pre­sent­ed by not­ed humorist, author, and com­ic book writer Paul B. Lowney.


Fish­er­man Lullabies
music by Clyde Watson

edit­ed and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
World, 1968
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


The Cruise of the Aardvark
writ­ten by Ogden Nash

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
M. Evans, 1967
ISBN 9780871315700 (1989 ed.)

The aard­vark is on a cruise and paints pic­tures of every­one – and they all look like him. After all, don’t they want to be improved? NO!

need cov­er image  

Daugh­ter of Liberty
writ­ten by Edna Boutwell

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watsoni
World, 1967
ISBN 9780529036506 (1975 ed.)

The expe­ri­ences of Pol­ly Sum­n­er, a French fash­ion doll in Boston dur­ing the Amer­i­can Rev­o­lu­tion who once brought a note to Paul Revere and is now resid­ing in the Old State House.


The Poems of Longfellow
writ­ten by H.W. Longfellow

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1967
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


The Straw­man Who Smiled by Mistake
writ­ten by Paul Tripp

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Dou­ble­day, 1967
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


Love Is a Laugh
writ­ten by Mar­garet Greenman

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1967
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.

need cov­er image  

Ros­abel’s Secret
writ­ten by Alice E. Christgau

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
William R. Scott, 1967
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


A Com­ic Primer
writ­ten by Eugene Field

illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Peter Pau­per Press, 1966
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.

need cov­er image  

The Spi­der Plant
writ­ten by Yet­ta Speevak

illus­trat­ed by Kurt Werth
Atheneum, 1965
no ISBN yet

No syn­op­sis yet.


Very Impor­tant Cat
writ­ten and illus­trat­ed by Wendy Watson
Dodd, Mead, 1958
ISBN 9781258369187

No syn­op­sis yet.

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Chris Hunewell
Chris Hunewell
5 years ago

I’ve loved her work since Father Fox’s Pen­nyrhymes in the 70s. I was for­tu­nate enough to buy one of her old books, Tales For a Win­ter’s Eve, just before she passed. Was so sor­ry to hear she had left us.

Joan Rosenfelt
Joan Rosenfelt
3 years ago

I went to the Put­ney School in Ver­mont while Wendy was a stu­dent there, too. She was a love­ly per­son — the only girl there with hair as curly as mine! I also have sev­er­al of her books. She was such a spe­cial illus­tra­tor; her work is excep­tion­al — tru­ly beau­ti­ful and spe­cial. Her death is a real loss to the world of chil­dren’s books — and to the world, peri­od. You and your work are not for­got­ten, Wendy. Thank you and may you rest in peace.