My Grandma and Me

My Grandma and MeMy Grand­ma and Me
Mina Java­herbin
illus­trat­ed by Lind­sey Yankey
Can­dlewick Press, 2019
ISBN 978−1−4263−3304−0

If you were for­tu­nate to have one or two or three lov­ing grand­moth­ers, this book will touch your heart. Grand­mas can be the most lov­ing peo­ple in our long lives, teach­ing us about life, pass­ing along tra­di­tions, shar­ing sto­ries, help­ing us become whole­some adults.

While the grand­ma in this book is Iran­ian,  read­ers will find sim­i­lar­i­ties to their own grand­par­ents, with exquis­ite details about a spe­cif­ic culture.

Grand­mas are often our faith teach­ers. Here prayers, atten­dance at mosque, and Ramadan are an inte­gral and heart­warm­ing part of the story.

The illus­tra­tions are stun­ning. Iran­ian motifs, rich fab­rics, woven rugs, and embroi­dery are all woven into the sto­ry­telling, sub­tly giv­ing depth to grand­moth­er and grand­daugh­ter’s relationship.

The nar­ra­tor, a young girl who is first depict­ed with a space poster above her bed, inspires lat­er art of con­stel­la­tions and the moon that are breath­tak­ing, in con­trast with the soft col­ors of life at home.

Make sure you seek out this book. High­ly recommended.

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