Love is Powerful

Love is PowerfulThis book will lift you up in its arms and make you believe that “Love is Powerful”!

It’s the right choice to help us under­stand what a group of peo­ple can accom­plish if they are unit­ed in their pur­pose and mov­ing toward treat­ing all peo­ple with love and kindness.

Writ­ten by Heather Dean Brew­er from Michi­gan and illus­trat­ed by LeUyen Pham from Cal­i­for­nia, both of whom marched in the 2017 Women’s March­es, this book is inspired by Mari, a real lit­tle girl who trav­eled with her moth­er from Harlem to Mid­town New York to march with large crowds of peo­ple who were protest­ing inhu­mane actions and poli­cies of a pres­i­dent who reviled many people.

This book is filled with words and illus­tra­tions that will have you under­stand­ing that “Love is Powerful!”

When Mari wor­ries that no one will see her signs, Mama reas­sures her. “Mama hugged her close. ‘They’ll see,” she said, “because love is powerful.”

As the crowd around them swells and the peo­ple begin to chant the words on Mari’s sign, I sus­pect you will have goose­bumps and tears in your eyes, just as I did. It is a pow­er­ful book.

Love is Powerful
illus­tra­tion copy­right LeUyen Pham, Love is Pow­er­ful, Can­dlewick­Press, 2020

LeUyen Pham’s art­work illus­trates the text so well that when the hearts present on every page begin to swirl as the sto­ry reach­es a crescen­do, you will swear that you see the hearts ris­ing off the page.

Peo­ple of all ages, all races, all gen­ders, and all abil­i­ties are present in the illus­tra­tions. Your young peo­ple will want to read the signs the pro­test­ers are carrying.

A num­ber of years ago, I asked what had ever hap­pened to the protest move­ment of the ‘60s. Why did we no longer see crowds of peo­ple unit­ing to express their beliefs and their demands for jus­tice? This book is a good choice to read out loud, begin a dis­cus­sion, and help chil­dren under­stand why mak­ing sure their voic­es are heard is essen­tial to our country’s good health.

A pho­to of the real Mari at the protest, along with a note from her, are the back mat­ter in this book. They’re a won­der­ful con­clu­sion that you’ll want to share with your young listeners.

High­ly recommended.

Love is Pow­er­ful
writ­ten by Heather Dean Brew­er
illus­trat­ed by LeUyen Pham
Can­dlewick Press, 2020

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