
Leave it to Avi to find a way to help me look at the Rev­o­lu­tion­ary War from a new per­spec­tive. Make that two. Young Noah is the son of a Loy­al­ist and min­is­ter, pledged to the King. When local rev­o­lu­tion­ar­ies tar and feath­er his father, the fam­i­ly flees to Boston.

Need­ing work, Noah finds a job as a British spy and a serv­er in a tav­ern, where he can eas­i­ly over­hear plans and report on them.

At the tav­ern, he meets Jol­la,  the young African Amer­i­can man­ag­ing the tav­ern. They become friends, rely­ing on each oth­er as ten­sions bub­ble and spill over into war. 

up all night reading
up all night reading

Through his page-turn­ing sto­ry, Avi helps us exam­ine our own loy­al­ties, our con­cept of free­dom, and our view of Amer­i­can his­to­ry. The book is remark­ably rel­e­vant today. An excel­lent nov­el! I believe book clubs would have sat­is­fy­ing dis­cus­sions about Noah and Jol­la and war.

The Author’s Note is a “must read.” It adds a great deal to my under­stand­ing of this book. I love a good map and the map of Boston in this book is valu­able to the reader.

writ­ten by Avi
Clar­i­on Books, 2022
ISBN 978 – 0358248071
Ages 8 through adult

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2 years ago

My boys and I are read­ing this togeth­er. We all agreed that the author has done a great job of cap­tur­ing the read­er’s atten­tion from page one. We have just start­ed, but have already found quite a bit to dis­cuss as we go.