One Winter Up North

I could not bring myself to write about this book before it is well and tru­ly the snowy sea­son here in Minnesota.

Every page of One Win­ter Up North is cov­ered with ice and snow. Cold ris­es from the pages. 

One Winter Up North

The long-ago wilder­ness that is pre­served in the Bound­ary Waters Canoe Area Wilder­ness in Min­neso­ta, stretch­ing for 150 miles along the Cana­di­an bor­der, is the set­ting for John Owens’ newest word­less pic­ture book.

The same fam­i­ly that rev­eled in camp­ing in the sum­mer­time Supe­ri­or Nation­al For­est are back, this time snow­shoe­ing, pulling sleds with sup­plies, nav­i­gat­ing fresh snow with ski poles.

One Winter Up North
illus­tra­tion from One Win­ter Up North, copy­right John Owens (Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta Press)

Ele­men­tary or mid­dle-grade child, moth­er, father — they explore pine and birch in a palette of whites, blue, grays, and spots of warm col­or that help read­ers feel and under­stand this very spe­cial place.

When the child pulls on lay­ers of cloth­ing, chil­dren in warmer climes will under­stand what it takes to stay warm.

Explor­ing ani­mal tracks, lis­ten­ing to wolves howl, warm­ing up with hot food at the camp­site, the author includes the whole expe­ri­ence in this friend­ly, fas­ci­nat­ing trav­el book that invites us all to have an awe-induc­ing adventure.

One Winter Up North
illus­tra­tion from One Win­ter Up North, copy­right John Owens (Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta Press)

Please read my inter­view with John Owens in a pri­or issue of Bookol­o­gy mag­a­zine about his work as an illus­tra­tor and his back­ground that brought him to book illustration.

High­ly recommended.

One Win­ter Up North
John Owens
Uni­ver­si­ty of Min­neso­ta Press, 2022
ISBN 978 – 1517912925

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Norma Gaffron
Norma Gaffron
2 years ago

Hey, Vic­ki, Good to see your smil­ing face!
And I’m going to order ONE WINTER UP NORTH to send along with gifts to rel­a­tives in Norway…