Storytime Planning!

It’s that time of year — new sched­ules and plan­ning, new note­books and books, new activ­i­ties, and pri­or­i­ties … AND A NEW STORYTIME!

I’m thrilled to be start­ing a Tiny Tots Sto­ry­time at the new indie book­store in town—Big Hill Books in the Bryn Mawr neigh­bor­hood of Min­neapo­lis. It’s a love­ly place full of won­der­ful peo­ple who know books and neigh­bors and friends who love to read. And start­ing Thurs­day Sep­tem­ber 14th at 10:30 am we will have storytime.

Big Hill Books

I’ve been busy pick­ing month­ly themes and sto­ries and music (squee!) I’ve pulled togeth­er lists of books too numer­ous to read in a year’s worth of sto­ry­times. In the late after­noons I’m prac­tic­ing every song I can with the three ukulele chords I know.* I’m pick­ing out alpha­bet let­ters to fea­ture and review­ing how to count to ten in dif­fer­ent lan­guages — I love adding these lit­tle things to sto­ry­time. And I’m going through stick­ers try­ing to decide if hearts or stars are the bet­ter stick­ers for our Sep­tem­ber theme All Are Welcome.

Is there a more impor­tant theme than All Are Wel­come? I think not — this is what we want our kids to feel, to be a part of, and to cel­e­brate, is it not? That feel­ing when a cir­cle parts and makes room for you … when some­one invites you to join in, or you invite them … when dif­fer­ences are applaud­ed along­side sim­i­lar­i­ties acclaimed … It’s good stuff. We all need to feel wel­comed and includ­ed, and we all need the occa­sion­al reminder to wel­come and include others.

I can’t tell you how much I love sto­ry­time plan­ning. Almost as much as sto­ry­time itself; but not quite, because I glo­ry in hav­ing kids to read to and I can’t wait to see who is in this new Thurs­day morn­ing bunch. Con­sid­er your­self and any lit­tle one you can find invited.

*  I play the uke and sing in sto­ry­time if for no oth­er rea­son than to embold­en oth­ers to do things they’re not very good at doing with enthu­si­asm.

A few of my favorite All Are Wel­come books

The Big Umbrel­la by Amy June Bates and Juniper Bates

Library Lion by Michelle Knud­sen and Kevin Hawkes

I Will Dance by Nan­cy Bo Flood and Julian­na Swaney

Lily Leads the Way by Mar­gi Preus and Matt Myers

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