Skinny Dip with Maurna Rome

What keeps you up at night?

My mad dash attempts to finish a video, write an article, apply for a grant, or get to the last page of a terrific book often keep me up at night. 

bk_ElDeafo_NewberyWhat is your proudest career moment?

My proudest career moment changes each year as I discover the unique talents of a new bunch of students. My most recent would be finishing a read-aloud of the Newbery novel, El Deafo. My “kids” were gathered around the promethean board as I shared each page of the graphic novel with our doc camera. The conversations about friendship, the 70s, smoking, hearing impairments, and fitting in were priceless.

Describe  your favorite pair of pajamas ever.

My favorite PJs are my Dr. Seuss footie pajamas that I bought about 7 years ago. They are perfect for school PJ parties that sometimes take place during “I Love to Read” month.

11-18Skinny_JohnCandyIn what Olympic sport would you like to win a gold medal?

Does it have to be a “real” sport? If yes, then bobsledding (I loved the movie Cool Runnings with John Candy). If no, then reading aloud while keeping kids begging for more.

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?

The bravest thing I’ve ever done was to move to Japan for 6 months, after graduating from college, to teach English. It was a memorable experience that affirmed my life-long desire to travel and learn about other cultures.

What’s the first book you remember reading?

bk_Little-Golden-Book-Four-PuppiesThe Four Puppies, a Little Golden book, is the first book I remember reading. I found a tattered and well-loved copy of it on Ebay and snatched it up. I read it to my students every year, and explain why the author’s message is so important to me (in a nutshell: embrace change and make the most of your situation!).

What TV show can’t you turn off?

The Good Wife. Alicia is a complex character who has a few flaws yet strives to be a “good” person (I wish they could change the title!).

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David LaRochelle
8 years ago

Shar­ing graph­ic nov­els with your class via a doc­u­ment cam­era is a bril­liant idea, Mau­r­na! No won­der you are able to keep kids beg­ging for more stories!

maurna rome
Reply to  David LaRochelle
8 years ago

Thank you, David! It was a real­ly fun way to read and end our school year, last spring! Graph­ic nov­els are tru­ly engag­ing kids and get­ting them hooked on books!