Skinny Dip with Nancy Johnson

Nancy JohnsonFor this inter­view, we are pleased to share answers from Nan­cy John­son, pro­fes­sor, children’s/young adult lit­er­a­ture and English/ lan­guage arts edu­ca­tion, West­ern Wash­ing­ton University:

Which celebrity, living or not, do you wish would invite you to a coffee shop?

Eleanor Roosevelt and Michelle Obama. I’d do my best just to listen … and learn.

Favorite city to visit?

Favorite country is Vietnam. Favorite “city” in Vietnam is Hoi An. It’s magical!

Dragon Fountain, Hoi An, Vietnam
Drag­on Foun­tain, Can­tonese Assem­bly Hall, Quant Trieu, Hoi An (cred­it: Wiki­me­dia Commons)

Tea? Coffee? Milk? Soda? What’s your favorite go-to drink?

Coffee (dark roast) … no sugar, no cream.

Reading on the beach
© Yude­sign |

What’s your dream vacation?

A pile of books, lots of sun, a beach (and nothing to grade!)

What gives you shivers?

Spi­ders and snakes. It’s irra­tional, I know, but they creep me out (even the tee­ny-tiny, non­poi­so­nous ones). And aer­i­al acts (cir­cus­es, the Blue Angels, etc.).

Your favorite candy as a kid …

Movie theatre candy = Jujubes

Drug store can­dy = can­dy cig­a­rettes (Seri­ous­ly! They looked so cool — and so did we — but they tast­ed like chalk.)

What’s the strangest tourist attraction you’ve visited?

It’s not real­ly a tourist attrac­tion but … when we were kids, my Dad and my best friend’s Dad took us on a field trip to a sewage treat­ment plant.


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8 years ago

Nan­cy — did you know that Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell have cre­at­ed a Poet­ry Cel­e­bra­tion work­shop which will be held in Belling­ham, Octo­ber 1st. Over 30 poets are gath­er­ing. I will be pre­sent­ing about Move­ment and Motion — part of poet­ry in Non­fic­tion (Water Runs Through This Book). I would be hap­py to send more information.

Nancy Johnson
Nancy Johnson
8 years ago

Yep! Not only do I “know” this, it’s the project my col­league, Sylvia Tag, and I cre­at­ed as part of our Poet­ryCHaT (Poet­ry for Chil­dren and Teens) col­lec­tion and project at WWU. We invit­ed Janet W. and Sylvia V. as our fea­tured speak­ers at our first Poet­ry Camp and it’s hap­pi­ly mor­phed into this event. We’re thrilled by the poets’ involve­ment (includ­ing you!) and eager to wel­come lots of atten­dees. Check it out at: