What keeps you up at night?
Not much. If I do wake up and start worrying about something, I put my newest plot dilemma into my brain. Puzzling over it puts me right to sleep.
What is your proudest career moment?
I guess I’m most proud that I’m still coming up with fresh ideas after twenty years. I’ve written several character-driven series, some stand-alone books, several anthropomorphic books, and new ideas continue to arrive. Maybe I should call that a professional miracle.
What’s the first book you remember reading?
The first book I remember caring about, deep down, was The Secret Garden.
Were you a teacher’s pet or teacher’s challenge?
Depends on what grade you’re talking about. Not sure I was ever a pet, but I certainly became a challenge in middle and high school.
What 3 children’s book authors or illustrators or editors would you like to invite to dinner?
Hilary McKay, E L Konigsburg, Louise Fitzhugh
Where’s your favorite place to read?
Almost anywhere. At night, in bed. In the morning, on a bar stool at the kitchen counter. While I eat lunch, at the table. On a nice day, outside. If it’s raining … see what I mean? While in line at the grocery store, if it’s long. Anywhere, anytime.