Blue Dot Press | KO Kids Books
Meet Kathryn Otoshi, artist, author, educator, and the creator of two award-winning indie publishing companies, KO Kids Books and Blue Dot Press. In 2016, SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) recognized Blue Dot Press with their SPARK Award for excellence in independent publishing.
Kathryn O’s books are bright, colorful, delightful, creative, and just plain fun.… more
Catalyst Press
Catalyst Press has a bold and daring mission.
As a new independent press, Catalyst Press brings to American readers books from the African continent written by Africans and/or about Africa, contemporary and historical. One of Catalyst’s first books is the startling graphic novel, Shaka Rising: A Legend of the Warrior Prince. It is written and illustrated by Luke W.… more
Eerdmans Books for Young Readers
Engaging. Diverse. Page-turners. Spiritual. Surprise! Gentle. Compassion. Old – over 100 years old! and Classic.
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company has been, and still is, an independent, family-owned publisher since 1911. Their new imprint—Eerdmans Books for Young Readers—began in 1995 and has been producing over a dozen new children’s books each year. Each year many of their books are top award-winners.… more
Groundwood Books
Groundwood Books celebrates diversity. In the words of the late Sheila Barry, former publisher, their commitment is to publish “the most exciting Canadian voices we can find. Whether it’s a picture book from Nunavut in the Arctic or a Carnival story about a new Canadian from the Caribbean ….”
Groundwood publishes not only all things Canadian but much more — stories about First Nations people, refugees, children caught in the terror of war, the grief felt by immigrants as well as the gift of their experiences and talents they bring to their new country.… more
Pomelo Books
What do a university professor from Dallas and a lawyer from Princeton have in common?
Both are passionate about poetry, specifically, poetry in the classroom for everyone, everyday, and about anything, even algebra. Sylvia Vardell, professor and author of educational books for teachers, and Janet Wong, lawyer and author of several dozen books for children, combined their knowledge and poetry passion and created Pomelo Books.… more
Cinco Puntos Press
Controversy and notoriety were not the reasons that Bobby Byrd and Lee Merrill Byrd began their own publishing house, Cinco Puntos Press. They believed in giving voice to ideas, issues, and writers whose voices needed to be heard. In 1999, Cinco Puntos published the book The Story of Colors / La Historia de los colores written by Subcomandante Marcos, the leader of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation in Mexico.… more